And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Ex 33: 14
Thank you for all of your love, support, encouragement and comments! It was just one of those nights where I was full of emotion and it just came out. It was not a bad thing but emotional. I can say that some days all I really know what to do is just love God and love Ben. Those two things I do know how to do and the others...well, I deal with them as they come to me...one step at a time...sometimes one moment at a time! I am gently reminded that I do still have Ben with me and that to me is the biggest blessing of it all!
Again, thank you!!
This past (not even a week) has been busy and so good!
Last Saturday one of my besties came up from CA to see us for a few days! We had a lot of fun but we are for sure not as young as we thought! Wanting to head home around 8:30pm and just resting can testify to that! While she was here we went to one of my nephews 2nd birthday party and my friends couple's baby shower! Both were fun and enjoying!

Us ladies also built a fire in our lil fire pit...yes, the ladies did! We had alot of fun and I got Ben close enough roast his own! The photo of us girls was taken by Ben himself...first one that he has taken since the accident!
After my friend left on Monday morning Ben had a mandatory appointment on post so we took off for that. It didn't last to long but then had to get Ben an xray and a short visit to his battalion doc due to some issues from last week. That ended and we went home to gear up for Ben's brother and his family to come into town. We had alot of fun with then amd Ben got to spend some quality time with his brother! The night that they arrived some of both brothers buddies from high school came down from Seattle to see them. I think it has been about 11 years since they had seen Ben or his brother. It was fun to meet them and hang out.

On to Ben's workouts and therapies! He is doing fantastic!! He tells everyone he is working hard and he so is! Ben amazes me! He always has had a determination about him that has gotten him far! I have not met alot of people like that but Ben is one and I have to say he is the greatest!
He walked with OT today for 30 minutes all around the yard with standing breaks only! AMAZING! His therapist said he was just barely touching him! He also worked on bed transfers and walked along his boat to see what needed to be cleaned without his walker...just grabbing on to different places on the boat!
Ben has been going to the Y and a few of you have seen him there! Thank you for saying HI to him and that you are praying for him. Things they have been working on there is stretching, weights, walking, biking and a few more things. Ben really likes it there and says that, "I feel like a man" while he is there.

**sorry so blurry...taken on my phone when i was at gym working out too**
Please continue to pray for Ben's coordination and walking! He SO wants to walk and it is super frustrating to him that he knows what to do but his body will not work with him. He usually says he wants to get out of this "situation" and get better now. Tonight as he watched my neice and nephew run around and play in the backyard he said, "I hate this situation!" I asked him why he was saying this and he said he just wanted to walk/run around with the kids. He feels left out at times when he cannot move around like he would like to! Please keep praying for his mobility!
Have you never heard? Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint. Is. 40:28-31

Just keep on trusting God and one day at a time. So glad to hear of improvements. So glad Ben is determined to walk. You are a wonderful wife to encourage and continually love him through all this. Hugs to you both and prayers too!
Dear Ones, You know, Ben, In the pictures of you and the guys, you looked like "It just doesen't get better than this". Katie, I love you. Some days I just have to cry, not necessarily about anything specific, I just have to cry. Anything can set it off. Then, I feel better. :) Yes, I continue to trust for Ben's full recovery, AND for your all around strength. Marion
I'm not sure how I stumbled across our blog, but you are both in my prayers regularly. You are touching so many people right now in amazing ways. Keep up the fight Ben!
You guys are such an inspiration. GO BEN! Every day is one day closer to being out of this "situation". What a blessing that God understands, even when no one else does, and He hears your heart. I keep praying He fulfills the desires of your hearts sooner than later!
Love the pictures! S'mores sound so good right now :]
I am always so encouraged by your blog -- I don't know how you do it girl! Take it one day at a time-- over the past year, my husband has had four surgeries and his mobility has been *slightly* altered -- He can still get around well with crutches, but just seeing how frustrated he gets when his body doesn't do what he wants it do just breaks my heart. I cannot imagine how frustrating that has been for you -- my situation doesn't compare with yours -- I've just got a slight glimpse with my husbands four surgeries -- but I want you to know that I pray for Ben's mobility DAILY. Ben is looking great -- You look great -- Be encouraged, God is working in you both. :) You are both so strong!
praying for ben that he will be able to run without growing weary and to walk and not faint. Prayers from CA <3
You guys are so sweet. I think Ben looks so cute (in an innocent way, of course!) with his friends. He looks genuinely happy. :)
That firepit is awesome! We don't have one... but I'd like to get one.
Also, I think your hair is gorgeous. That's all.
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