{yes, this is my studly man and i pray he can do this again!}
Ok, so on Friday I think Ben was in heaven on earth! That morning my brother zipped over to help me pull Ben's boat out of the garage so he could wash it. Ben and his OT had been waiting for a nice, non-rainy day to get it out and wash it! The boat has been winterized since we brought it up to WA over a year ago but it never got washed from the road trip from GA to WA before putting it in a storage unit! Needless to say it was dirty! Later that afternoon Ben and his OT got straight to work! Ben got the hose and started spraying and the dirt started washing away!

After they washed the boat they did ALOT of walking all around the back yard! I was at Joann's rearching sewing machines because mine went kaput! When I got home they were finishing up. I think they went for about 2.5 hours between the boat and walking! Ben wanted to chill for a bit so he sat in his lazy boy for a bit and I did a few things around the house. I came to see if he needed anything and this is what I found...

...one tuckered out man!
Saturday was a lazy morning for both of us. It was super nice to sleep in (well if 0715 compared to 0630 is sleeping in) and not have to hurry to get ready for anything. It was to be a nice day so in the mid morning we went to Joann's to return the machine I had bought the day before (long story) and then we went downtown to the Farmers Market. It has been years since I had been to this Farmers Market so I thought today would be a good day. The item on Ben's mind to buy was a donut and he was for sure on the lookout. He has never been a donut man but recently that is the only thing on his mind food wise! If he could walk and eat donuts he would be just great! Anyways, when we first got there right smack in front of us were puppies for sale! They were so cute and so Ben got to hold one for a bit. I had to beg him to put the puppy back! This is another thing he has been longing for! One day we will get our Diesel! One day! When we finally got into the market Ben found some carrots, cherries and an amazing looking raspberry croissant! Those are the 3 things he wanted and of course he got them! We took the items down to the water and shared the croissant! Yes, I made him share...it was delicious!!

Today we went to a new church to check it out and see some friends that we have not seen in a long while!! Although there was a situation that was totally humiliating we lived through it and the service was good. The pastor was starting on a series about relationships. I really didn't want to hear about it but today I think God wanted me to. Sometimes I want to cancel my facebook account and get rid of my internet so that I can stay away from someone talking about another date, another marriage, another vacation with their man, another picture of the flowers they were bought, a romantic engagement...you get the picture! Don't get me wrong, I love that people have this but at the same time it is so hard to read because Ben and I cannot have it right now.
One thing that I have asked and struggled with for awhile is how do I as a wife keep this marriage and love alive while my man is working so hard to get back to who he is. We don't have the same marriage that we used to because we cannot do the same things. This DOES NOT mean that we do not love each other because that love is very much there. It is hard when the love towards me cannot always be in the ways that I need it.
The pastor brought up an interesting point for mainly those that were waiting to find the love of their life or those waiting for their spouses to love them in the way that needed to be. What I got from it was in the times of waiting I need to work on me. 1 Corinthians 13 was brought up. "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." Why not work on these things in my own life while Ben is working so hard, even if it is in the physical. Work on my kindness towards my man and those around me, don't envy what others have but look at what God has put in my life here and now, make sure that God gets my honor and that it doesn't go to myself, never give up on God or Ben, treat my man with respect and love...
We were at this service for a reason and it was to teach me a lesson on love and where we are today! I am still learning and sometimes they are hard lessons, teachable lessons, love lessons, humbling lessons and hilarious lessons!! I thought I had learned them all on this journey but I guess God isn't done with me yet! Darn it!

You know, my friend, we are never through with those lessons. There is always another level, no matter how high we seem to attain...at least as long as we are on planet Earth. I love you, Marion Ben looked totally pleased with the cressant. :)
It can only be God that nudged me to click to your blog just as I was straightening up the living room and closing my laptop getting ready to head to bed.
I know how it feels. I know. My husband and I lived, for the past 6 years on a chemo schedule that allowed us to really have no couple life outside of the Friday chemo date. Chemo on Friday. Phil is then sick until Tuesday. Tired, but beginning to feel better W and TH, and then it all starts over on Friday. I love my husband more than anything.
This might be TMI to be sharing with you, and I apologize if it is. Our situations are completely different, but we share a lot in common too. Can I email you?
You continue to keep me following God's plan for my life. You are a gift.
Hello, It is really heart touching post. Ben is really great person and living his life with full enjoyment.
I hope you can wake board/water ski again someday too!! What a nice boat by the way;0. We have a bass boat because my hubby is such a passionate fisherman but, someday a ski boat would be so much fun!!! You hubby looks so cute all crashed in his chair!! ;0
I think that boat and its owners need to come visit certain people on Lake Chelan :)
The Farmer's market sounds like so much fun. The pic of Ben with his goodies in his chair is so cool.
Have a great week!
If you haven't bought a sewing machine yet, after returning your other one...I know of a really good affordable one that will last you years without all the pain of other brands....
It is a Babylock BL9- you can get it at A-1 Sewing Center on Pacific Avenue. If you don't know where that is just google it... The machine costs $150- and the service at the store is awesome! If you tell them you know Victoria and Veronica Williams they will most likely give you some kind of deal... (Since we have a business and buy from them alot)
Anyways...that was a great post! Thanks for keeping us updated...
As always praying for you and Ben and the Lord's healing on him:)
I hope you know how truly awesome you guys are! The fact that love and faith can bring you to these moments are what make life worth living! I am so happy he is getting better and you two are the cutest couple EVER!!!!! My prayers are with you both!
I once heard it said that "God rarely uses someone for greatness until they've been completely broken."
I just stumbled upon your blog and read your story...my first thought was "I wonder how she's holding up. This would just be so tough to endure while everyone else is having 'normal' relationships." Then I read this post and got my answer.
I've been through the fire, albeit a different one than your own, and after being refined in ways that I never thought I could heal from, I can now see how God has used it to make me a better wife, a better mother, a better woman. When we can't control the people and situations around us, it forces us to look inward instead and let God handle the rest. I pray that the Lover of your soul will fill those holes that your husband can't fill right now.
I love how God knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. He is so personal! Thank you Katie for allowing us to be a part of your journey. Continually praying for you and Ben!
Love ya,
Relationships are not perfect, as we see through others, on tv, through books, etc. I am a single mom of 4, after 16 yrs of marriage. I longed for that specialness only a man could give. Instead of looking for comfort from my Heavenly father, I was looking at others and what they had and I didn't. Now all I miss is the companionship (and camping....LOL).
I guess what I am saying is you're right, look inside yourself and not others. The past is the past and God has given you and Ben a new direction to follow.... follow with all your heart, might and soul!
I have never followed a blog before till Shelly post yours on her facebook. I can't believe how inspirational you are to the readers, but to Ben and those around you!
Thank you for sharing your journey with strangers, altough it seems we all know you ;o)
Live Laugh Love....
Just stumbled across your blog for the first time and am so grateful I did. Great to see how God brought you to a place where he needed you, funny how he works like that! Praying blessings over you specifically today & hoping for little miracles where you can feel a love from Ben you had never felt before!
Hi Katie - I don't remember where in Washington you two are living but if you're looking for a church home you might want to check out the place my nephew, niece and her family worship. It even streams worship services so I can watch here in AZ. My parents were able to visit the church recently and were awed by it.
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