So, remember I have mentioned the fact that Ben will wake me up as early as 5am, 6am and 7am?? It is still engrained in his head to get up early and go to bed early! Darn it, I thought I would get some time to sleep in but that is not the case around these parts!
Also, remember me mentioning Ben trying to get out of bed under my sleepfull eye?? He will get my attention, tell me he is ready to get up (at 5am) and want me to get him up so he can get breakfast and watch some History channel! When I tell him gently, in my sleepy, hoarse voice, to please just go back to sleep he starts moving around and then drifts back to sleep. Well, every time he wakes up and drifts back to sleep he moves more!
This morning has been the worst yet but at the same time hilarious! I had to laugh and tell him not to move so I could capture this! I also have to document it so later in life when he says he has never hogged the bed I will have proof!
It was a good laugh for me and it totally made my day!

Here's to hoping what it will look like tomorrow morning...side note...i loathe pink and purple and I really do look like this in the morning minus the smile...

If you drew that bottom picture...you have seriously mad drawing skills!
I must admitt...I'm the bedhog in marriage. I can't help it!
I have always said, my honey takes his 2/3's out of the middle. That's why we have a queen size bed. At least I have an inch or two to sleep on. I've taken to moving his pillow ALL the way to his edge of the bed to try and help. Does it? NAW!! Another one, one good turn gets all the covers. I have given myself an extra 8 inches on my side so I have something left over to cover my....uh...back. :) Hugs, to you guys, Marion
Haha - too funny. This morning I came back to bed after nursing Finn and had to nudge Miles so that I could even get back into bed - he was taking up so much room! And then he tried to claim that he was just "warming the bed for me". . . suuuure.
Elliot pulls that whole "just warming the bed for me" business all the time. We have a King bed so I can have my space. ;)
I'm totally impressed with your mad skills, too. And also, Ben's boxers are hilarious.
It is way opposite at our house. You'd think my husband could muscle his way into having some space being 100lbs heavier than me, but I still manage to hog the bed and steal the blankets.
That's too funny. 5 am is just a little too early for me. Here's to hoping he lets you sleep in a little longer before he wants to get up.
The problem is that we too have a king size bed! He has always been the mover in bed and I the still one even when I was on my own!
It just means that he is still getting better and doing what he used to...this I am happy about and can live with!
Too funny! My husband is the same way!
We have a king size bed--my husband is 6'6 and needs the length on the king or he hangs off the end. We share our bed with 2 of our 3 dogs, and Lucy (90 lbs) takes as much space as she feels she needs on any particular night! LOL My husband gets one edge and I get the other, and if we even so much as try to cuddle, Harley (30 lbs) has a fit and demands that he must be in the middle between us. LOL We love our fur children and they do keep us laughing.
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