"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love never fails...but love will last forever" I Cor 13:4-8...
Thank you for all of your sweet anniversary comments on here, text messages, phone calls and facebook comments! It made our day even more special and we are truly blessed by y'all!
People asked me if Ben and I were going to go out and celebrate our anniversary by going to a show, out to dinner or what have you. We really didn't plan anything but it ended up being an eventful last few days! I didn't really want to plan anything because I was just so happy that we were together at home! Not in a hospital like the last two years but at home and lovin it! We were just fine with this!
Wednesday Ben had his massage scheduled for the afternoon and I decided that I would schedule one in as well. I hadn't had one in a few months so it was about time! There are not two massage therapists so we just went singly. I asked Ben who he wanted to go first and he said, "you, because you need it more!" I was fine with this. We brought his ipad so he could play games while I got mine. Oh my goodness...I was in pain! I knew going into it that it was going to be uncomfortable because they are not swedish massages yet deep tissue...in which I needed. Lets just say that she hit some very tight spots!
Ben was up next and she got him just as good as me! At one point the therapist and I were talking and Ben let us know that we were "cackling to much" and could we please just let him enjoy his massage like I got to enjoy mine...well la ti da! I was laughing...quitely of course!
Right after our massages we were going to meet up with some friends that we met at the VA in Cali because they were in town! I had told Ben earlier in the day that we were going to meet up with them and a few times that day he kept saying, "I wonder how Cale is doing?" Ben doesn't really remember alot of Cali but he remembers Cale and the few times we have seen them and been in contact with them since coming home! We looked drab and relaxed (or sore) after our massage but they accepted us! We went to the Rock pizza and that place is so good! Their brown sugar bread is to die for and yes Ben and I ate alot!

Thursday, actual anniversary, Ben had speech therapy in the morning and I hit the treadmill which was much needed! His physical therapist ended up canceling that afternoon so we did some work on reading, playing with Diesel and just hanging out. That evening my lil brother had his last football game which happened to be senior night and homecoming. They won, well better yet they laid the smack down! I think the score was 52-6! It was a good game and they are 2nd in their league so they are off to the play-offs this coming Friday! Ben is in his element when he is at these games! He loves it and is updating me on all the things that are going on!
Ben and I surprised each other with some gifts. You know that day my lil bro took him to lunch, well it was through a drive through and then to the mall to pick something out! Ben told my brother every thing he wanted to get and did the picking! It was so fun to hear all about it when he gave it to me! I have to say he upped me on the gifts this year...stinker! In the oast we haven't done anything big so I wasn't really expecting much which was fine because we were together! Well, he ended getting me a Coach purse, some lip gloss and another lil something! It was fun and it was perfect!
I made him a poster candy board letter! It was fun to make it for him! He got socks too because he needed them! Whenever he puts them on now though because he will know even more how much I love him!
Another thing that Ben surpised me with that actually came in the mail Wednesday was a card that he designed with his ST. He picked out the pics he wanted to use and also the words that he wanted to say! Super sweet and he kept it a secret for over 2 weeks and when it came he told me all about how he had made it!

{yeah i know we look like were 14}
**no time for photo editing tonight or just pure laziness!**
Friday we had the majority of off. We again chilled, spent time doing some therapy on our own and playing more and working with Diesel! Later that afternoon we had a neurology appointment on post. It was ok, I didn't get all of the answers I wanted or things I wanted to hear. Ben did great so that was good.
Saturday it was cleaning day for me! How this house goes to shambles with only me moving around beats me! One hour it is clean and the next, stuff all over! I don't like mess but sometimes it is so hard to keep up with it so this was a catch up morning! There was some football watching and naps in there for Ben! Later that afternoon we went to the nephews last soccer game. They lost but it was one of the best ones both boys had played all season!
Shortly after the game we headed over to our friends house to make grilled pizza and watch a movie. Well we got to watching the Stanford football game and we got hooked on it...so good! When a game goes into triple over time you have to watch to see the results! Ben got to hold sweet baby Z and he loved it!

Today, Sunday, we went to church and it was so good! I told Ben that Pastor B was going to be preaching and he wanted to go to the main service so he could see him! It was a really good service and belted out some songs! We got to see alot of people we haven't seen in some time and Pastor B! He loves Pastor B because before the accident when we were dating and shortly after we were married Ben would chat alot with him because he used to be a Navy Seal. They had alot in common even though their years of service were at completely differnt times! It was so good for him!
Later tonight we went to my sisters house for dinner and Starwars. The boys are going to be starwars people (can you tell i know nothing of starwars) for tomorrow so they have been getting caught up on the movies! It was cute because when we got there they all bolted out in their costumes. Ben was able to name off all the costumes as I stood there saying that looks so cool! Ben ended up falling asleep during the movie and since the last few days had been so busy we headed home to get some rest!
The last few days have been so good. No, they are not what we want them to be but they are good, we are alive, we have each other and we are happy. Thank you Lord for this...there is no one else to thank...He has allowed this and we are going to live our His plan EVEN though I would have it so differntly!
I got this from a lady whose husband was drastically injured overseas I think about 4 years ago. She has been caring for him ever since and he has not uttered a word to her and is not able to do what Ben has been blessed to be able to do. Their story reminds me everyday that we are blessed and have alot to be grateful for. It doesn't take this tragedy away or make my pain any less but it does make me alot more thankful..."OH MY GOSH, I can't believe I forgot...I want to wish you and Ben a very Happy Anniversary! Don't you think that anniversaries mean so much more now that you know that you almost didn't celebrate any more??? I hope you guys had a fabulous day and continue to have a fabulous night. Enjoy all those kisses from your man and dont' forget to give them back ten fold!" She is a huge blessing to me!
Just an update on Diesel...he is growing and as Ben always says, "just being a stinker like me!"
His paws at 9 weeks have doubled in size and I swear he has almost tripled in his whole body size!

"A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous." Ingrid Bergmen
"In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life." Bliss and Cerney