"O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things, even purposes planned of old [and fulfilled/new] in faithfulness and truth." Is 25: 1
...is astounding! It comes in the valleys and it comes in the desert. His faithfulness comes when I least expect it and when I am on my last straw and need Him to show Himself to me! I was reading about the faithfulness of God and here is what I discovered...
Faithfulness is apart of the Lord's character! It is declared to be great, established, incomparable, unfailing, infinite, and everlasting! It should be pleaded in prayer and should be proclaimed! It is also manifested in Him fulfilling His promises, by keeping His covenant, in forgiving my sins and to His saints! It says in 1 Peter 4:19, "Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator."
So we are encouraged to depend on the faithfulness of God! Lastly the faithfulness of God should be magnified...in all things and times! If I know the faithfulness of God is always there for us then why should we stop thanking Him and praising Him when we don't feel like it or when we don't think He is being faithful to us! This is who He says He is...so He will be in my life!
I still don't understand why God is having us go through all of this and I may never but I can say through it all He has been faithful! Faithful in the spiritual, emotional and mental...He has been there! God's faithfulness never ceases to amaze me! Just when I think I have nothing left He gently reminds me that he is in control!The amazingness of my God is astonishing!
Monday Ben took a break from his walker! He walked into his room with no walker, two longer rods and 2 therapists! He walked from the gym to his room, said hi and then took off to walk 3 times around the unit! He was breathing hard but when I asked him how he felt he kept saying, "cook" and "awesome!" It was good to see a look of satisfaction and pride on his face! I praised Ben for his hard work and gave him several kisses when he was done! I wanted to cry, jump up and down and praise the Lord. I think I would if it were just me and Ben!

The rest of Monday Ben was kept very busy! He got on the treadmill and put in some good time! The therapist said that this was the best he had ever done on the treadmill! Ben's head was up, he took good steps and he just overall looked good!
He got a short break then Ben had OT which involved, lots of reaching, standing to work on balancing and transfers!
Today Ben went to Art Therapy, which he loves, and started painting pieces to a frame. Remember the mosaic boards he had been putting the tiles on...well, they are going to frame it up! I didn't get a photo but hopefully next time!
At 1030 Ben had PT. He put in a good workout again today! He did walking, transfers and balancing! He did some walking with the walker but at the end of his session was without his walker again!! Today he even did much better and held his head so high! I am sure he was just swelling with pride on his hard work!

He got a break for lunch and then a lil watching of the History Channel. Ben speech therapist came in and asked what Ben was watching and Ben was able to tell him what channel and what was going on in the show! His ST said Ben was the smartest guy at Kessler for watching the History channel because all the other patients were watching Jerry Springer! Haha I had to laugh...Ben loves the History channel!
I am so proud of Ben in his speech area! He is saying a TON more and putting together longer sentances! When Ben is asked to talk loud his voice is getting so loud! Amazing! He is working so hard!!
OT came next and he had a substitute today. She said that this was going to be Ben's easiest OT session ever because he got to lay down the whole time! Ben said that he didn't want to and wanted to work! Ha! Go Ben! His activity today was to lay in a bed on a sensored mattress. It measures Ben's pressure points to see if he has any areas of concern...to prevent bed sores! It will determine what kind of mattress he will need when we go home. Of course while he was laying there our fire fighter buddies came and teased Ben for being lazy! Ben dished it back and said that he didn't want to lay there, he wanted to work and called the fire fighters lazy!
His OT said that his scan was one of the best she had ever seen so were pretty good to go!

Another break followed by dinner! Ben did a really good job of feeding himself. He still has to work very hard at it because his arm stiffens up but he has not forgotten how to eat by any means! Please pray that he masters this task that may seem so easy yet for him it is difficult because his body is working against him!
Also please pray for Ben's balance! In order for him to do many, many, many things his balance needs to be sound. He can stand for a short time against the wall, with his walker or holding on to things but if you were to stand him in the middle of a room he could not hold his own at all! So, balance is a huge request!
I love this man that God gave to me! I will continue to love him, push him, care for him and be by his side!! God will be honored and on that He will honor and bless us!
Sayings of Ben...
I keep forgetting to write them down so I forget them!! :( I will get some more soon!