In the last post that I wrote we were without power and I was updating if from my phone! Yes, my fingers were a lil sore after that post but I wanted to get something on to let people know we were ok and although there was crazy weather we were doing good. Well, I don't know if my fingers were sore from writing it or the fact that they were freezing from being out from under the covers!
I had told you we went to my brothers house Thursday so that we could be warm. We pretty much got home and went to bed so that we could be warm. I wrote the blog post, read by head lamp and watched as I could see my own breath in the air! It was coldy cold as Ben would say!
Just trying to stay warm...

Oh and at my brothers house we played some games. We played a new one that I don't remember what its called but it was good for Ben because it made him work on his fine motor skills. Pretty much you had to go around the table and put one of your rocks on the pile...goal is to not knock any down and if you do you have to take the rocks that fall down! It was fun and Ben did really well!

oh and remember how I told you that a branch hit the back of Ben's truck on the way back from my sisters house and that it didn't do any damage?? Well, I was wrong! I saw some damage the next day after all of the snow had fallen off. Praise Jesus it didn't hit closer to us or get Diesel in the back. Yes, we have a dent and some paint work coming...

When my lil brother went to test the roads the day after the big snow and ice storm and our power was out he delivered us some heat...

Just some of the craziness in our yard...

Diesel has been playing so hard in the snow the last few days that he has been sleeeeeeeeping alot...either that or he's going though a growth spurt...

Ben got some love from lil L who is loving people's faces right now...

I came home yesterday to Ben working on his vaccuming skills...first time eva!

Today Ben had a dental appointment. He was to have it last week but the snow kept us from it. We had to go to the dental clinic on post which was new to me but went really well. Ben hasn't been to the dentist since the accident and I don't remember when he was there before although I know he went. Ben did really well and got throught the whole thing just fine. The black glasses and why everyone has to wear them...no idea! Good news is Ben's teeth looked healthy and very lil plaque (no fair) so I guess me and the nurses did a good job caring for his teeth when he couldn't or when it was just with sponges. He does have 3 small cavities but they said that they could have been there pre accident but he just never had them taken care of. Bad news is that he has a part of his back tooth broken off which they thing was probably from the impact of hit but really not going to do anything about it. Other bad news...Ben's jaw is not good and may require jaw surgery, braces or a combo of both. He has always had a small overbite just from how his teeth are but it is huge now and he not only has an overbite but an open bite. When he bites down there is a huge gap. This for sure was not the case before the accident. Muscle weekness, intubation tubing, accident itself and so on has messed it up. He will get his fillings taken care of soon and then we will be referred to an ortho doc to see what they say...praying for no surgery but there are alot of positives to it as well. We shall see...

{yes, this is Ben biting down...bad}
Please pray because there are still alot of people here without power! My sister has been out since last Thursday and they are saying a few more days...she's even close to town! There are many others who are still patiently waiting! I can hear the wind howling now and am hoping that no one including us loses our power again!
Hopefully that is the last of our crazy weather and that tomorrow is in the 70's...a girl can hope right?!?!