{photo out-take...can you spot what's wrong}
I am back after some good Christmas fun! I will post on that later in the week (haha hopefully) but while I was in the mood of downloading photos and videos I had to keep going with it before I got to tired and just couldn't continue!
Since this blog is supposed to be about Ben and his progression/therapies/improvement I thought that I would finally post some updates on what he is doing in his therapy sessions. I don't have any on speech but plenty on his PT and OT. The only ones that I don't have video clips on is his swimming. For some reason my phone only likes to send videos that are about 30 sec and the ones I got are to long. Ben should be going back to the pool on Friday morning so I will hopefully get some then!
As you will see in the videos Ben continues to work so super hard! You can hear him grunting, speaking and just plain old giving his best! Ben never ceases to amaze me with what he does! He is such a hard worker who never gives up! Rock star if you ask me!
Ball work...

Sit-ups...this session he told his therpist that he was going to do 3 sets of 10! He did them all and his therapist had to do them as well!
Punching bag...this is a fairly new workout for Ben. He loves it! It helps him with his standing balance, eye coordination, head control and the use of both arms.
Push-ups...just like the sit-ups Ben said he would do 3 sets of 10 and of course he made his therapist do it too!
Wrestling moves...yesterday this is the first time that Ben's therapist asked him if he remembered any wrestling moves from high school. Ben named a few and then he ended up doing the one below...I don't remember the name! Ha! It took 4 videos but then ending his hilarious! Just pretend your watching wrestling in slow motion!
I hope to get many more photos and videos of more endevors on Ben's part! His main goal is to WALK! He doesn't want to walk with anyone or anything but all by himself. He is SOOOO close but seems to be in a slump. This gets to him and he gets so frustrated with it all. Ben also feels that it holds him back from participating in ALL things and not being able to do the things he loves...he misses it! Please continue to pray for his ability to walk...we both desire it so much! My heart yearns for Ben to have this! I believe he will get there but if it could just be sped up a bit we would be grateful!!
Birtday Giveaway Winner....Jenny B! Please send me your contact info! If I don't get it by this Friday we will have to select a new winner! Thank you!!