{happy thanksgiving!}
What a week we had this past week! It was full of food, family and fun times!
I think the best way to share is to break it down day by day!
Tuesday Ben had a full day of therapy (I will be updating on Ben's progress in another post!) He had PT in the morning and then OT in the afternoon! Let's just say that Ben was pooped from all of the hard work and he crashed on the couch for a bit!
Later that evening we were off to the airport to pick up Ben's parents. It had been over a year since Ben had seen his parents so he was quite excited! We got to the airport and then had to wait 25 minutes outside the terminal just to get to the area to pick them up...it was backed up big time! We finally got to them, got home and then chilled a bit before we went to bed!
Wednesday we got up and I got Ben ready for therapy! Yes, he still had it despite the fact that it was close to Thanksgiving. While Ben worked and his parents observed I snuck out to get in a run! I knew it would be a few days before I got back to the gym and alot of food later so I needed this! I got back and Ben got a power nap in. We then went to Michaels because the boys wanted to get a model to work on. Then we were off to the grocery store to get a few last minute items for the evening and Tday! In the late afternoon we went to my bros down the road to make some pizza! They were some darn good pizza...all made from scratch!

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day!! I wanted to do a Thanksgiving post but I just didn't get to it! This year we are home and got to be with family! The past 3 years we were not home and around family. The first year we were in GA and the last two were spent in the hospital. We didn't get to have any family any of those years so that was hard. It was so good to go over to my parents and be with them. We had a lazy morning and it started out by watchthing the Macy's parade. Of course the men got bored with it and it got switched to football and movies. We headed over to my parents next...and boy was I ready to eat! Ben was too! Not all of my family was there as this was the year for them to be with the in-laws. My lil bro was there and one of my sisters because her husband had to work. Still a blast though!
Again, I have not had a home cooked Thanksgiving in years so I was ready to dig in! I had one plate and then I stopped...it was a full plate though! :) Ben had his first jab at brussell sprouts and he didn't like them at all!
{my lil bro and sis...}

{being goofy}

{getting grumpy cuz we're hungry}

{got caught sneaking some dressing}


{my plate}

{ben's plate...more green stuff}

{yup, i don't think ben liked them!}

We spent the rest of the day and early evening at mom and dads. We played games, watched movies, watched football, ate some pie and even tried to nap! I had a small piece of pumpkin pie and dutch apple carmel and didn't finish them so I set them aside to eat later...never finished them because I was still so full! It was a good day and it was so good to be home!
Friday we were up and at em! Ben didn't have therapy today but we had a full day! One of Ben's buddies was in town and so we met up with him and his lady for breakfast. Ryan has not seen Ben since we had moved to GA and they finally got the chance to reunite! Ben and Ryan spent alot of time together climbing Mt. Rainier, the Olympics, boating, shooting, quading, being deployed together, getting in trouble together and just being good buddies! I wish I had busted out my video on my phone because the way that Ben reacted to seeing Ryan was priceless! There were smiles, clear speech and a look of happiness on Ben's face that couldn't have been scrubbed off! Ryan's girlfriend was with us too. I have been able to hang out with her a few times when she lived here and she is the one that got me doing some indoor rock climbing, paddle boarding on the bay and just having fun! We hung out at the house for a bit and then took off to get breakfast at a place the boys had been to alot! After breakfast Ben took a snooze and then him and his dad started working on the model that they got. Later that evening we went out to dinner. We ended the night with watching a movie and just hanging out before heading to bed for some much needed sleep!
{the boys}

{still smiling}

{off in the mini for breakfast}

{ryan wanted to try out the mini!}

{all of us together}

{goofy friends}

{model time.ben and his dad}

{ben's parents and us}

Saturday morning we just a chill morning for all of us. We were going to be taking Ben's parents to the airport so it was low key and just spending time together. Around lunch time we took off for the airport. After we dropped them off we headed home for some lunch, a quick rest and then it was off to get our Christmas tree. We don't normally get one this early but my parents were going so we decided to join them. We took the truck and all piled in...including Diesel! It was a fun adventure for sure. The past two years it was all about fake lil trees in Ben's hospital room that had to have battery operated lights so this year it was back to a real big tree! We found the right one not to long after we got there and so did my parents...it was a miracle to find it that fast! We got back and it was dark so the tree stayed on the porch until the next morning. My lil bro stayed the night so in the morning we drug out the boxes (they sat there for almost the whole day because I didn't want to deal with them!) and lil Ben helped me put the tree up. I had purchased our first ever Christmas frame the other day so I printed out our Thanksgiving photo and stuck it in there!

Monday, yesterday, we were back to the regular schedule of things. I was able to sneek away for a bit to get some things done for some happenings coming this week! We have some fun stuff going on Thursday afternoon and lets just say I hope that Diesel cooperates with us! Today again back to schedule and I hit the gym...oh my lanta was that hard after about 5 days off! It was good though!
We had/have alot to be greatful for this year! The list would go on and on. All I know is that God has blessed us and He continues to do so. I know we are not where we want to be in life and there is nothing we can do to get us out, except move forward, we are here and we will continue to live life to the fullest that it can be right now! Happy Late Thanksgiving y'all!