"I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you..." Daniel 2:23
I know I have posted alot of randomness all in one post but that is kind of how it is these days! I need to do what some people do and it's called midweek randoms! It's where they take all their random photos of the week and throw them into a blog post! Let's just say this time it will be a week in review...and try and do it in an orderly fashion! Todays will just be a week in review! I have tried to post a few times but my pics wouldn't load and my computer keeps shutting off at random times. I actually had to type that line twice because right as I was typing it, it shut off!! Uhhggg technology sometimes!
This past week has been BUSY! We had 4 additional doctors appointments this week and all of Ben's normail therapies! Some of those days were days where we had to get up early, which was totally fine with Ben! The appointments went well and Ben was able to answer most of the questions asked and things talked about accurately! He did really well!
Monday was the chiropractor in the morning in which I posted some on last Tuesdays blog and then he had OT in the afternoon. My bro-in-law, who built our ramp in the front of the house, also just put up a railing in the back of the house along the deck! Ben has been working with OT on this rail and has been doing really, really well! They work on alot of side stepping, one hand walking, squats and a few other things. Balance and head control is still huge for Ben but his legs and feet a pretty solid. So, please pray for balance and continued head control!!

Tuesday was up and at em for an appointment in Tacoma. I didn't know where it was or how long it would take to get there so of course we got up earlier and had plenty of time when we got there! The apppointment went well.
After that Ben and I decided that since we were half way there we would go to Ikea! I had been wanting to go for a bit but just hadn't had the time. This was Ben and mine first big adventure on our own besides going to Target or simple stores. We had been wanting a new desk and so I was wondering how I was going to push a cart and Ben. It worked out fine though. We grabbed one of their big bags and Ben was able to hold it on his lap with the smaller items. The staff helped us with the desk and after asking a few times they helped me get it to the car as I helped Ben get to the car! Ben was getting hungry and told me that he wanted to hot dog combo and a cinnamon roll...darn those good smelling things! I got it all, started eating in the car and took off. Right before we hit the freeway Ben asked, "did you get my cinnamon roll?" Oh man, I ordered it and the lady forgot to get it for me and I forgot to ask for it as I was attempting to carry out my wallet, 4 hot dogs, 2 bags of chips and 2 drinks...all with no carriers! Needless to say I had to go to Target the next day so I picked up a Pilsbury pack of rolls and Ben was a happy camper!
Since the Ikea staff got the boxes into the car it was my job to get them out when we got home! I got one in since it wasn't heavy but the other there was no way I was going to be able to lift it. I didn't want it to sit in the swagger wagon so I was drilling my brains to see how I could do it without hurting my back...then I saw Ben's wheelchair! It made a perfect dolly and I didn't have to lift a thing! It now gets more then one use!
We didn't put the desk together until a few days later but here are the photos of Ben helping me! I had him stand against the wall (which I have been having him do more often these days) and help me do some screwing and putting together! Ben did great!

Wednesday, was another morning appointment for Ben. It was an audiology appointment in Tacoma. Again gave ourselves some time and we were early! Thank goodness I brought Ben's ipad because I was not able to sit in on this one. I guess they didn't want any distractions. We called one of my sisters on the way home to see if we could oome by for a visit. We got there and got to playing Sorry with the younger neice and neph! Of course the lil guys didn't really know what they were doing and it was fun to see Ben trying to correct and teach them! We also got a yummy lunch that Ben made a hilarious face about and he read How Do You Hug a Porcipine all the way through with little help!

Thursday we got to sleep to our normal time because Ben would not be having an appointment in the morning but in the afternoon. He did have speech in the morning though. While Ben was in ST I got cleaned up and a few things done around the house!
...side note, as I am typing Ben is teasing me by bringing his hand over and typing lettters I don't want typed! Typical Ben, all done a smirk on his face!
After ST we had a calm lunch and then took off for Tacoma again. I knew today was going to be a longer appointment but I didn't think it was going to be 3 hours! They did x-rays that I thought were never going to end. I think they got an picture of every part of his body at every angle! The most annoying thing about this appointment is that the nurses kept talking to Ben as if he was a child. They also kept callimg him sweetheart and honey...so annoying...and they were years younger then him! I did decide to keep my words and hands to myself. Just because Ben has a brain injury and might be a little slower at answering and is in a wheel chair doesn't mean you have to talk louder, use terms of endearment that don't need to be used and not treat him like a man that he is!
Well, after that 3 hour appointment we hit traffic coming home. We decided that it would be best to pick up some pizza and head home. Two of my lil brothers stopped by and ended up falling asleep on the couch...I guess we have a comfortable house!
Friday was back to a normal day for us. Ben had ST again in the morning and while he was in ST I ran to Michales to get a few fall decorations. I need some more but just wanted to get a few. I have been burning my pumpkin candle a few times since this weeks weather has been debby downer compared to the week before in teh 80-90's! This weekends even was bad but Monday-Wed is to be 70-80's! Weird weather for sure!
Followed by ST was a quick lunch and OT. Ben worked for the first time with some treking poles. They are kind of like ski poles but for hiking. He did ok for his first time and will be getting more practice in the days to come. I forgot to download those photos but will get them posted soon.
THe evening was a chill time for us. My lil bro's football game was in Aberdeen so we opted to stay home. Good choice because he only ended up playing the first half because they were ahead by so much! We won 50-0 and are now 3-0! Go Rams!
Saturday was cleaning and organizing! I have a love hate relationship with this but it needs to be done. Friday while Ben took a nap I actually organized the garage. Pretty much things need to be organized around the boat which takes up 75% of the garage. There are still a few things that need to be done but are to heavy so I will wait for my bros and dad! Anyways, I cleaned and organized closets, rooms, more closets, bathrooms, dusted, vaccumed and organized dressers and such. The three areas left are teh kitchen, family room and our bedroom. Also the yard needs to be tended to and summer stuff stored away. So, things are being crossed off my list!
Later yesterday we went to my lil bro and sis in laws house. They were redoing my neices bedroom for her birthday while she was away. We had dinner with them and then went to Lime Berry...yummy! Ben and I also go our baby fix in and got to hold our newest lil nephew! While we were at Lime Berry my sis in law was asking Ben some questions about growing up, some I knew and some I didn't. Ben did awesome at remembering things and explaining them in full sentences. She asked him who his fav therapist is now and he said his ST. He really has been working hard on his speech and I think Ben is beginning to see that it is getting much better which is awesome!
Today is just a chill day for us. One of these moments I will get up and try to tackle more things on my list. Right now I am thinking of chuncky sweaters, rain boots and coffee! Although I don't like the cold I love fall and winter weather clothing! Of course it doesn't compare to running around in jeans and a tank but there is something about the fall that just tickles my heart! I pray that this fall is so much better for us then the last! I pray for more miracles to transpire in Ben's body and mind! I pray for transformation in our lives and others as well!
We are blessed and I thank God every day for the healing and restoration that He has blessed Ben and I with!
"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done." 1 Chron 16:8
"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
1 Chron 16:34