"I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him." Ps 40:1-3
Ok, well I have been lacking in the photo taking
department but we have been doing some fun stuff!
Thursday after Ben's ST Ben rested and then we took off to the movie theatre for some pirate action! We have seen both Pirates of the Caribbean movies and so we had to see the 3rd! My lil bro and his wife met us there for a double date! This was the first movie Ben had seen in the theatre in about a year! The last one we went to was Karate Kid in CA and he was awake for a whole 15 minutes! This time we had the whole theatre to ourselves so Ben got out of his chair and with the help of my brother Ben walked up the few stairs and sat right behind the bar! First thing he did was lift his legs up and put his feet on the bar! He had a great time and sat next to my brother and of course they were picking on each other the whole movie! Following the movie we went next door to a pizza place called the Rock! If you have never gone there you might have to check it out! They have the best brown sugar cheese bread ever! I could eat the whole basket...I shared though! We had a fun time!
Friday, my sister text me in the morning that she had just made a big batch on cinnamon rolls and 2 of them had our names on them. She said she would deliver but she had extra kids and couldn't get out so if we wanted them we would have to come to her! Ummm, did I even have to think twice about this...NO! I asked Ben and he said, "let's go!" Instead of dragging the whole wheelchair out to the van (Ben wasn't in it anyways) I had him walk with the new walker to the van and then transfer into the front seat! He did great! When we got to my sisters house he got out to the van and sat in a chair outside where all of the kids were playing! It felt a little more free not toting that whole big piece of metal around...Ben loved it too! Later Friday afternoon Ben had OT. They worked on alot of things and I went grocery shopping! His OT is super close to letting Ben just walk out on the grass himself and seeing how he does. He asked Ben what would happen if he fell and Ben replied, "I would fall!" We shall see how that goes in future...and I for sure want to be there for that!
Saturday was cleaning for me and chilling for Ben. I did however have Ben do some squats, small lundges and stretching at the counter. He did really well and actually said it felt good! We were expecting company that afternoon and knew that it was going to be fun! Cale and Kathleen (we met them at the VA in CA) were coming for a visit. Cale also had a TBI from a car accident and has been in Seattle for a few weeks for some special treatment. When they got here we caught up for a bit and then headed out to a few stores. Cale pushed Ben around and did really well. I did notice that Ben started tucking his feet in because Cale was hitting a few things! :)
We should have never drove past Red Robin because instead of coming home to make dinner we went there instead! See why I need to work out again...brown sugar bread, burgers, fries...the list goes on! It was delic! While at Red Robin Ben kept saying that his back hurt. This was weird because he never complains about pain and he looked so uncomfortable! He kept trying to readust his bottom and body in his chair but it was not working. Cale was getting agitated by the noise and so after eating we came back home. We hung out for a bit and Ben was starting to fall asleep on the couch! Cale and Kathleen took off to go back to Seattle and Ben headed to bed. I peeked in on him about 15 min later and he was out...so out that his blankets were still over his shoulders and this is never the case!
It was a good visit for both of us. It was hard though because like Kathleen mentioned in her blog last night Ben is doing better in the cognitive but Cale is doing better in the physical. We both wish we could have more of the other! Funny how that works with the brain. You cannot compare brain injuries at all. People may have been injured in the same area or have the same diagnosis but be completely different. Cale required brain surgery and Ben didn't. Ben is further along in memory, following direction, and such but Cale can walk, dress, shower, and so on...so weird!

Today (Sunday) I asked Ben how it was seeing Cale and he said it was good because they are the same...they are soldiers! I asked him if there was anything else and he said, "I feel cheated." I asked him why and he said, "I feel cheated out of walking. Cale gets to walk and I don't!" He also went on to say, with no promptings from me, "that his heart was crying (he won't cry outwardly because he said he wasn't a girl) because this brain injury has stolen time from him. I want to give you and me a baby but I cannot, because this accident has stolen that from me too." How do you respond to this! Wow! That he was/is even thinking this deeply is amazing! Ben is in a desperate desire to walk more then ever! He sees people around and tells me, "I am jealous!" Why? "Because all of these people get to walk...I am trying so hard to walk!" Ben says all the time he wants to burn his wheelchair, doesn't like it and that it is stupid!
I love that fact that he even knows that his body and mind are not the same as they were. This is huge because some with TBI's have no clue. They think everything is fine even if they are walking or in a wheelchair. When Ben is talking about it I just have to tell him that if he keeps his determination up and his additude to succeed he will get there! The waiting game is no fun especially to a very active man! I truly believe that once Ben can get around safely he will just make HUGE leaps and bounds in his recovery. I don't like how he has to fight his body to get things done!
Today Ben hasn't been feeling 100% since he started saying his back hurt his energy level has dropped. I let him walk a bit this morning but he got tired and so he is now enjoying his lazy boy. It is hard for me to manage a 190lb man so I am trying to relax today too!
PLEASE continue to pray for Ben and his complete healing! He has come so far and we are blessed and THANKFUL! Ben does have a long ways to go still and I know he can get there! Please be praying for his walking, coordination, neck, shoulders and strength! He needs the prayers and the continued encouragement!
On a side note...we paid of Ben's truck!!! We got it payed off about 1.5 years early!
Now just have the boat and the loans are done and over with!
This made mine and Ben's heart very happy this week!!
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."
I Thess 5:18
"I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His rightness and justice, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."
Ps 7:17
***Prayer Request - please be keeping a friend of mine and her husband in your prayers tomorrow. Last year around this time she deliverd an angel baby boy. He was term but stillborn. He made a big impact on my life and many others. Tomorrow she will delivering a rainbow baby boy! This little man will be loved just like his big brother is! She listed on her blog a few days ago the emotions she was going through as she anticipates this day....excitement, fear, sadness, bitterness, happiness, anger and hope. Pray that the Lord's peace will be around them in that hospital room and that this new lil blessing will be a safe delivery!
***Last day to enter
this giveaway is today!! Get your entries in!
Winner will be announced soon!!