{dont get caught walkin under these bad boys!}
Ok, so I am a bid behind on a blog that I should have posted about a month ago! Christmas of course! I have been meaning to get these photos up but there are so many of them I had to pick through them to get the best ones!
Christmas Eve was spent with Ben going to therapies! His sister and bro-in-law were here from PN so Ben got to show off his walking skills! Of course he did a great job and he had us to cheer him on!
Later that evening we found a quaint Mexican place to eat dinner. We had to go through the back door because there were about 10 steps going up...I was not planning on lifting Ben and his chair up that high! It was a fun lil joint, Christmas music and all and not crowded! The reason we picked this place is because Ben kept asking for enchiladas! After dinner we took Ben back to Kessler to get some rest before all the hustle and bustle of Christmas day!

Christmas morning I headed over to the hospital to get Ben! He greeted me with hugs, kisses and a Merry Christmas! Off we went to my hotel to hang out with his fam and open presents! I got Ben in to a regular chair so that he didn't have to sit in his chair the whole time! Of course he loved it!
Here are a few of him opening presents...don't mind me and my appearance. I was not feeling all to good over Christmas!

After opening our presents Ben laid down for a much needed nap! He slept for a few hours while we chilled and then got ready! It was super hard to wake him up because he was snuggled up in bed and sleeping so soundly! I did give him a lil extra time before getting him up! He allowed me to do so and then we were on the road to go to one of our firefighter buddys parents house! Dante (our bud) and his family were gracious enough to invite us to celebrate with them! We had an amazing course of lasange, fillet minjon, and so may desserts that there was not a table big enough to house them all!
A few photos of our time...the flash kept getting to Ben's eyes so he closed them!

We had a wonderful time with our new "Christmas" family and with Ben's sis and bro-in-law! I was thinking about last Christmas and realizing how far Ben has come since then! It was only a few months after the accident and he was still trying to stay awake, fighting seizures, and having the energy to participate. He lasted about 2 hours last year and this year he just had a two hour nap and was awake the rest of the time! Praise Jesus!!
Ok...back up to date for this past weekend! Ben and I had a relaxing weekend. He got his donut like promised and was a happy camper! He had therapy in the morning and then we just lounged the rest of the day! Ahhh it was so nice!
Sunday I was invited by one of the therapists here to go to their church. She had brought Ben back from therapy one day and noticed the scriptures on the wall and thought she would invite me! She said she knew what it felt like to be new to the area! So, I met up with her and her husband and it was so good to be in the house of the Lord! It is somewhere I would love to take Ben but I have to wait until the snow melts away (which will not be happening soon because it is to snow 3 more times this week) or I have more help because it is all street parking!
After church I picked Ben up and we went back to my room. I got him settled in my bed and we snuggled up and watched Secratariet! Ben made it about 20 min and then fell asleep and then woke up for the last race! It was fine with me because at least I was warm! I ordered some pizza and we chowed down! We headed back about 7ish and poor Ben must have had a rough ride because he let loose his whole dinner! It takes about 5 min for me to get him back...I think he tried to tell me that he was going to puke but then it just came up! I don't know if it was the pizza or the bumpy road! Thankfully I had a blanket on him so it mainly stayed there and a few specks on the van...no biggie! By the time we go back he was for sure tired! We got him cleaned up, settled in bed and then I took off for the night!
Today (Monday) was a good day! Ben had a good workout in PT, lunch, followed by 23 min on the treadmill, a rest and then OT. While he was in OT he was seen by the spacticity clinic and they took a look at his arms, legs and neck. Ben has a few areas that need to be fine tuned and that is what they are there for. He will be getting another round of Botox soon to his right bicep area, right foot, and of course his neck! He also will be getting a brace for his left foot because it has been rolling a bit! Oh the wonders Botox does besides freeze your face! Please be praying that these things work and that Ben will function at a higher level after having them done! While Ben was on the treadmill I snuck out to do some shopping, no not for me, for Ben's upcoming birthday this Wed! The big 31! When I asked him what he wanted he said a North Face jacket! I told him he might have to pick something else because he already has almost 10! I got him a few things I am sure he will enjoy!
Sayings of Ben...
Ben and I were snuggling in my bed and I asked him what he was thinking right then and he said, "my future." M-"oh what does that look like?" B-"going down in a blaze of glory!" M-"I hope not too soon?" B-"Not for a long time!" Whoosh!