We hit our 11th month yesterday! WOW! Time has gone by so fast and so many things have happened in those 11 months! I could go on and on about what the Lord has done and how we have been blessed in our journey! You all know that from what I have written! Despite it all, we have been carried by our loving Jesus!
I want to share a sweet story about Ben from last night! This goes to show you that Ben is thinking and that he is processing more!
Last night we were snuggling in bed Ben asked me where we were. This has happened before and I take him through the questions that I ask for him to answer. He says he doesn't know but I gently tell him he does and to think about it! I asked him last night to tell me where he was and Ben said, "Palo Alto." When I asked him what kind of a building he is in, and he said the, "hospital!" I went on to ask Ben why he was in the hospital and he said, "car crash, hurt my head." All of these questions he answered in his audible voice!
After these questions and Ben getting oriented Ben settled down in bed. A few minutes later he was nudging my side with his elbow. I asked Ben what he needed and he said in a very strong voice, "who is going to pay for this?" I actually laughed to myself because the poor guy was wondering who was going to pay for all of his hospital stays!
I told Ben that he was still in the Army and that his insurance was paying for it. I told him that he didn't need to worry about any of that and asked him what he should focus on and Ben said, "getting better!" In spite of all that Ben is going through he thinks of the serious questions and wants to make sure it is all taken care of...and me!
This is a good sign though that he is even thinking about it! He is continuing to build up his memeory and retain more things. Ben is also able to think more in depth about things too. It is a good reminder to me that Jesus is still up to big things and still continuing to heal Ben!
One more funny story....there was a night nurse that had been on vacation and no one told her that Ben had started to do some talking! She came in after I have left for the night and went to out Ben's splints on his legs. When she went to do this, Ben said in an audible voice, "NO!" He about scared her out of the room! I found out about it the next day and I about died laughing! Oh, Ben cracks me up!
Just a few fun things that Ben has been doing! It's the little things that make such a huge difference!