Oh the last few days...they have been interesting!
I blogged a bit about Wed and how Ben got his milkshake! He loved it and will be getting more soon! Also on Wed Ben was put on a long table that he could do squats on. Ask any guy he knows how Ben has such massive thighs it would be from squats and road biking! Ben did good for his first time...had to have help getting bending his knees and then some to straighten his legs. You could see his muscles working and his face was very intense!
Wednesday we were invited by our "new neighbors" two doors down from Ben to have a pre-Thanksgiving meal. I have been following their updates online and they came to Shepherds last week! Ty was out riding his road bike early Aug and got hit from behind by a car. Little did we know until we met that he was in the ICU when Ben and and I were there! Ty and Karen (his wife) only live about 30 min from our home, they have 3 adorable little boys and are a strong Christian family! So, we got Ben out of bed and we headed down to a room where Ty's family had set up a feast! They invited us in with open arms. Ben was looking all around and watching the little kids as they were moving around. It has been a huge blessing to have them in our lives. Please keep Ty and Karen in your prayers as they are dealing with Ty's brain injury too. I know one day Ty and Ben will get on their road bikes and ride for miles together...what a ministry they could have! Brain injury bikers...survivors due to the healing of Jesus!!
Thursday..Thanksgiving brought turkey bingo in the rehab room and a turkey hunt! Ben missed out on all the fun and slept through the whole thing! I think he planned it because he thought it was cheesy and would rather play football! It is hilarious because that is the only time that he slept that day! We watched a bit of the Macy's day parade, hung out and I snuggled with him. In the afternoon I bundled Ben up in a blanket and took him outside! It was a perfect fall day...sunny and crisp air! Ty, Karen and their family was out so after taking Ben around the garden a few times we chatted with them for a bit. Ben's eyes were huge watching the kids play football. His eyes followed them everywhere!
Thursday afternoon was not the best for me. I think once all the activity settled down and Ben was resting it hit me that it was Thanksgiving...our first one while on this journey and prayerfully our last. I of course snuggled in bed with my man and cryed on his shoulder. After I was done I thought I would try and help Ben to give me a hug...that just made me laugh. Ben was probably thinking I was a crazy lady! I got up from where I was sitting to go to the other side of the bed...when I did he raised his arm so I went to sit on the other side to see what he wanted. He reached out and grabbed the vest I was wearing and pulled me close to his face! He just layed there, holding my jacket and staring into my eyes. Of course I started bawling againg and told him I loved him and that everything was ok! When I went to stand up he gripped harder on my jacket so I sat with my man for awhile and held tight onto his hand! He melted my heart and the Lord knew just what I needed in that moment!
Friday we were back into the swing of things and back to all 3 of his therapies! Ben did great in speech and tried to mouth a few words. He also had some more juice which he slurped down. In OT he got a cast to his right arm. He has been keeping it in a bent position and do they are casting it in a straight position for a few days to loosen it up a bit. Ben was put back on the squating table and this time he did alot better on it. He needed a little help bending his knees but he did an amazing job pushing back up! I came back that afternoon to rest and get refreshed for another week!
This next week I plan on working on a quilt I have started and start decorating Ben's room for Christmas...it is our new living room!!
Love you all!!
Prayer points:
1. Still need to see consistancy in yes/no answers, following commands and use of objects.
2. Seizures to remain under control and that his meds would not sedate him
3. Ben would show that he could do rehab for 3 hours a day
4. Strengthed torso, neck, arms and legs
5. Prayers for Ty and Karen and their family
6. 100% healing!
If you are going to send Christmas cards please send them to the house and not to Shepherds! There will be a ton of mail coming through and I don't want anything to get lost! Also I love your comments, e-mails, and cards of prayers and encouragement...keep em coming...they help me to move forward!
229 Lee Road 2140
Phenix City, AL 36870