Tuesday, September 29, 2009
One more thing...
Our Jesus is AMAZING and FAITHFUL!!!
*From a song...pour it out Lord, come Holy Spirit fall afresh on me, I am crying out Lord, pour it out Lord!
*Psalm 91 (this one keeps coming to us by so many which I love)..hold onto Jesus for dear life, God kept me!
*When Ben comes out of this fire (like Shad, Rad and Bad) he will not even smell like smoke!! The man who is with him in this fire will not allow him to be burned!
*When it comes to the healing of his lungs....JESUS IS HIS BREATH OF LIFE! He is more than enough!
*He will be a new and improved Ben, a warrior, a champion! Ben will stand up as a vast army...God will wake up his dryness and give him life!
When I awoke this morning I was refreshed, rejuvinated and ready to start this week with my Ben no matter what he did or didn't do!
I walked in this morning with my mom and said, "hi baby, i am back" and to that he opened his eyes and looked at me! As I walked around his room, to test him of course, he followed me with his eyes and even slightly turned his head! I then went on to tickle his feet and he looked right at them which he has never done when I have tickled them before! The nurse came in and said that he has been following and tracking with the staff a lot more these past few days! Thank you Jesus! I ran into his doctor in the wall when coming back to Ben's room later and he said, "did you hear?" I told him I had but he confirmed what I heard! When Dr. Kailin asked Ben to give him a thumbs up Ben gave it to him with his right hand! When he asked Ben to hold up 2 fingers he did it!! Dr. Kailin was very excited and you could see it on his face! I went back into Ben's room with a huge smile and a very grateful heart thanking our Healer!
I started shaving off his horrid looking mustache when Respiratory therapy came in to work with him. After she was done we were talking to his right side and while he was laying in bed he turned his eyes and head to follow our noise! He wanted in on our conversation!
So, today has been a good day full of miracles and surprises! Our God is a good God and our healer!
Prayer points -
~Ben would continue to respond, track things/people in the room consistantly, localize items
~Lungs - secretions to dry up so they can plug his trach (he cannot talk until it is plugged)
~Muscles to relax and not spasm (this is much better but it lingers)
~His body physically strengthen and he will be able to support himself
~He would continually respond to the meds as they increase doses!
~COMPLETE HEALING....I don't care how long it takes! Faster would be nice but I cac wait knowing he will be healed 100%
Oh....one more thing! He is pretty much holding his head up by himself! This has improved since the last time I was here!! Praise Jesus!
I am sure you all get on here daily to see if I have posted! I would love post more often but this one-hand typing doesn't allow me to go so fast! Once I get this cast off (2 wks!!) it will be good therapy for my fingers!!
Love you all and we appreciate all your prayers, encouragement and support!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday was a good day and not to eventful. I was able to sit in on some of Ben's rehab sessions and see what they do. The therapy team that he has is awesome! We are blessed to have them. It is so good just to be able to sit in Ben's room and read, watch TV, put my feet on his bed and take a nap or just sit there and look at him!
Thursday I woke up after a rough night of sleep. I have not been taking pain meds during the day and minimally at night to wean myself off them. Well I did not take any on Wed night which made for an uncomfortable night and rough morning. After I got comfortable we went to Ben's room and then to the conference with the doc and case manager. He went over the assessments that were done by the medics on the scene, what took place in the hospital when he got there, treatments during his 2 week stay and what they have been doing with him at Shepherds so far. Right now his point level on a scale is 5. They want to see him raise that level by at least 5-6 points so that he can move to the next rehab level. Of course I asked Dr. Kailin the question that everyone would..."knowing tgat you cannot put Ben on a time line or compare him to any other patient because each brain injury is so different what do you see his outcome being?" He generally stated that if he said Ben would never get further he would be a fool because people are always succeeding. On the other hand he cannot specifically say that he will be %100 like he was due to his injury. He did go on to say that they have a 60-70% rate at the hospital for patients to recover and be able to at least take care of themselves and some able to go back to some degree of work. Also stated that Ben is strong and healthy and could not say that for some of the patients he has. So, it was a good meeting but also disheartening at the same time! I didn't really know what to think. Ben had more therapy that afternoon but mom and I decided we needed a lil therapy of our own so we went on an adventure to find the mall! We had alot of fun and by the time we got home we were pooped! I went up to be with ben for a few hours and of course stared at his hansomeness (despite the mustashe he is sporting...bringibg his razor nxt visit) and read the word with him.
Friday we started packing up our room to check out and then I went back to be with Ben for a bit. We had a good visit with one of his guys from work and the had the opportunity to meet his buddy Jeremy (who was on his way back to NC) from way back in his Army years. I guess they were connected at the hip for a good amount of years!
Next week rehab plans to get aggressive with him, irritate him, and do things he prob won't like and hopefully he will respond to them.
Mom and I ended up gettin home around 6:30 and we rested for a bit and then played cards until midnight! Of course I won!
Prayer points!
***Big ones***
1. Ben needs to start following commands consistantly!! (like...give me a thumbs up, squeeze my hand, lift your arm, look at my face)
2. Needs to localize things in the room (follow moving people, look to the noise, follow with his eyes and respond)
By doing these things he puts points on his score board! Please pray specifically for this!
~Lungs to clear
~Would respond well to weaning him off the trach
~He would remain strong
~Continued healing for me
~Strength for mom and I each day!
Each one of my family members and I have taken a day of the week to fast and pray specifically for Ben. If you want to join in on that it would be awesome!
Love you all and everything you have done for us!! You are truly a blessing!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Little miracles!!
*when asked to turn his head to the right he did it...only once but I will take it!
*he followed the nurse with his eyes when she put her finger in front for him to track!
*Eyes are more open!
*Spasms under control!
The nurse said he was having a good day and also said, "girl, we are going to wake this boy up!"
Tuesday (today) mom and I drove up again this time driving Ben's beasty truck! She did a great job but it just took a tad longer! We had to be aware of the roads because of all the flooding but thankfully the area we are in was not affected!
We got to Ben's room and respiratory therapy was in his room and they were putting a plug in his trach to see how he would do breathing without it. He did well for awhile and then his oxygen levels went down a bit. They are going to try again tomorrow and then hopefully have the trach out by the end of the week! At that point he will be doing all his breathing and have nothing assisting him! This is a huge step to get this out!
Mom and I left after that to go put things in our room and get some lunch. When we came back to his room he was not in there! Come to find out he was in the big rehab room for the first time! I went to the rehab room to check him out! They had him sitting up with support and they were impressed with how he was holding his head up. He holds it up for a bit and instead of it quickly falling down he gently lowers it. Of course his one hour of rehab pooped him out so he was pretty tired the rest of the evening. He did get his pink cast off and now he has 2 matching white casts.
Our pastor also came for a visit and it was so good to have him! We shared some good laughs and prayers! He is a blessing to us and so grateful he took the time to come see us!
Jesus has been healing me too! I don't take any pain meds during the day and every once in awhile at night! I walked to the Fresh Market tonight with my mom and like Ben that was a good workout for me and tonight I am pooped! I went back to Ben's room tonight to read the Word over him. I always read Psalm 91 and the full armor of God! I also was able to read a few more scriptures that came to me....I love these times! I got tears in my eyes knowing all the things God has done in his body this week.....and it is only Tuesday! I love this man that Jesus gave to me and I am asking Jesus to give him back to me %100!!
Although I have not responded to the comments left on here I do read them and so appreciate them! They keep me trusting, believing and hoping in Jesus!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
229 Lee Road 2140
Phenix City, Al 36870
(2140 is not an apartment number but county number...no need to put # before it!)
My one hand typing seems to improve everyday!
I loved seeing Ben! I missed him after not seeing him for those few days! His condition is still about the same but thankfully he has not slid backwards! I have to remind myself that it has only been 3 weeks since the accident and for that amount of time he is doing ok. He still continues to open his eyes (alot more now that he is on the stimulant drugs) but we are still unsure of what he is aware of. He has had some muscle spasms that they call storming that they are trying to control. They say that this is not uncommon for people in this stage. Its mainly something that the wiring in his brain is causing and usually goes away. They have been getting him up, dressed, and in a support chair for a few hours a day which after laying in a hospital bed for 2 weeks this is good! He remains off the vent and is doing well with his trach. they have had to do some casting for supporton his ankles. This helps against foot drop and toning so when he is able to stand up he stands on his feet and not toes. Of course they ran out of good colors for a man and he got stuck with one pink cast and one black one! Real Rangers wear pink right!?!
I am doing well. Each day I get a bit stronger but still have to remind myself to go slow and let people do things for me! I rarely use pain meds and my incision on my stomach is healing nicely. My appetite is still coming along....not as fast as my mom would like but it is there! I would love to go to a spin class to vent and unload some stress but I don't think I would last 5 min! I do have permission from my doc to ride a stationary bike! Just imagine me pedaling with feet, holding my stomach with my right hand for support, my left arm in a cast, my body on vicodin just pedaling away! Oh my I can just see the disaster waiting to happen! Can def say that I can ride my bike with no handle bars...stationary bike that is!
Prayer requests:
1. Ben's complete healing!! Still believing for it!
2. Control of spasms and casts would work on ankles
3. Wisdom for doctors on how to treat him (they know their stuff so well)
4. Patience for me....it is still in the early process but it feels like it has been months!
5. Strength for my mom as she continues to be by my side
6. Choice of new car (not used to making these decisions without Ben)
7. Waiting for our miracle!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Update from Atlanta...
After getting settled we were off to see Ben! The first 2 days he was here he was in the ICU just to monitor his respiratory status and assess him as a new patient. He did well there and so today they moved him to the rehab floor! He looked good and of course very handsome to me! He has received showers so that makes him look and smell better too!! I laid a good kiss on his lips!
The doctor (he is awesome) came in while we were there and said that Ben's best times to show off are in the morning! This is so Ben....always more awake in the am and falling asleep by 8pm at night when hes at home! The doctor says that his eyes are opening more and at times Ben will follow the movement! Just to clarify he is not in a coma...some people have asked. Also, he is opening his eyes but at this time we do not know what he is aware of. When I say he is awake or opening his eyes that is just that. He still doesn't like it when I tickle his feet!
Tomorrow he will start more agressive therapy to see how he reacts and maybe on Friday the will start him on low doses of Ritalin to help stimulate him!
Prayer Requests:
1. Doctor needs some type of sign that Ben is doing things voluntarily and things on command.
2. Ben would respond to therapy
3. The stimulant drugs they start him on will somehow make a connection to get his brain working.
4. Continued healing for my body (arm and stomach incision)
5. Sanity on my part (this journey is not something anyone can plan for)
6. Our faith, hope, trust would remain strong in the Lord because some days I want to give up!
7. Strength for my mom as she is here always by my side! She has been a huge blessing but I know she thinks about home and gets tired too!
8. COMPLETE HEALING on Ben's brain....I will take it anyway the Lord wants to bring it!
Love you all!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
September 15th 2009 From Katie Rye
I am slowly getting better. I am so ready to be done with it all though so I can have my appetite and energy levels back. It takes everything in me not to lift things, walk to far, and want to work out! Going from two hour workouts to getting winded after taking a sit-down shower or getting dizzy walking a few isles at Target is not really my cup of tea!
Seriously my life consists of waking up…walking to the couch, taking shower…sitting down, car ride….into wheel chair, car ride home….2 hour nap…..get the picture??!! I get pooped so easily and I cannot wait to get some energy back!!
Sleep is getting better. I thought I was going through menopause at 29 due to all the night sweats I was getting! They have reduced to a degree but then I also have to try not to smack myself in the face or incision with my cast! Oh the life of a person who is injured!
On to the love of my life! Oh how I miss my man! I miss phone calls, talking in person, bike rides, laughing with him, his touch, and most of all just who he is as my husband. I posted on my Facebook that this is worse then a deployment because at least with that I can still hear his voice and get e-mails from him.
Yesterday morning he was transferred to Shepherds in Atlanta. This rehab center is one of the top 5 in the nation for brain injuries….thank you Jesus it is only 2 hours from our house! When he left the hospital here in town he was off all sedation drugs, breathing on his own with his trach, one single IV line for antibiotics, and a nice shaved face. He still continues to open his eyes but at this point it is hard to know how much he is aware of. He also continues to move his toes, arms and when I tickle his feet he pulls away and opens his eyes…..haha he never did like his feet tickled!
These first few days at Shepherds they will assess him, look at all his scans, and get him out of bed into somewhat of a schedule. Getting him out of bed is going to be so good for him! Please continue to pray for complete HEALING in his body! I pray over his brain everyday that God will just pour His healing oil into his head and he would be restored. I am asking Jesus to bring him back exactly how he was, that is all I desire….nothing more, nothing less! I pray hard that he will remember me, those he loves, and all the things he loves in life! God has so many plans for him and I believe that Ben is going to live them out!!
My mom and I are heading up to Atlanta tomorrow morning (my doctor appts have kept me from going earlier) and will stay a few days. It will be so good to see Ben and give him lots of kisses! Thank you all for your continued prayer and support! Please don’t stop because we need it so much and I feel it everyday!!
I will post more as things happen…..hopefully lots of praise reports!! Hanging on to Psalm 91 and many other scriptures!!
Love you all!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
I am doing well. Stomach incision is still tender but it is healing nicely. My arm rarely hurts anymore, just an occasional throb here and there. The splint/cast they have me in is always in my way but I have an appointment Mon to hopefully get a shorter one. My appetite is growing and so I am not having as much food shoved in my face by loved ones to get me to eat!
Thank you again for all your prayers and support......and please keep praying for us!
I get internet and cable (yes, we are finally stepping up in the world) on Monday so hopefully I can get online more often!
Love you all!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
September 10
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's me....
Thank you, thank you, thank you.....from the bottom of my heart! Several times I have been brought to tears over all the encouragement, prayers, wisom, hope, scriptures, meals, visits.....and the list goes on! You all truly have blessed Ben and I and cannot wait to share with him everything!
I am slowly recovering. My skin is tight from my incision, I am trying to bust away reflux, appetite is slowly coming back (need to get back those 15lbs from not eating for a wk) and my energy level is slllloooowwwllllyyy coming back! My arm is pretty much pain free but just have to deal with this huge cast that goes to my shoulder!
Everyday has its ups and downs. It is the hardest thing not having Ben with me and he be the strong one in our family! In all of it if I do not trust my Jesus whom else can I turn to....NO ONE! No one else can heal my Ben, only Jesus can put back together all the little pieces of his brain..Jesus is our healer and I have to choose EVERYDAY whether easy or hard to put my trust, faith and whole hope in Him!
Please do not stop praying for us! We need it so, so much!
You all truly are a blessing in our lives!
Katie and Ben
Monday, September 7, 2009
Katie Comes Home
Ben is stable, off the ventilator for the most part, only sedated when he gets to tired, reacts to stimuli, moves his head when he hears Katie, squeezing Katie's hand consistently. Please pray for his brain to continue to heal well, specifically that the connections would be made for him to do things like open his eyes.
We are praying, singing, reading the word many times a day over Ben and Katie too. They need your prayers and we will all continue to stand and fight for them.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
And on the 8th day.......
Today, Katie held onto the verse Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Ben worked really hard yesterday squeezing Katie's hand, chewing on the feeding and vent tubes, working up a good sweat and almost kicking Anne in the face for looking at a dot of fingernail polish on his toe. They kept him mildly sedated today to allow him to rest a bit. He is responding to localized pain stimuli and pushing it away. Katie is awaiting the moment to be able to look him in the eyes.
The scripture we are praying over Ben is Psalm 121:7 -8 (NIV) "The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." We looked deeper into this scripture and found an explanation, thus far it became much more meaningful to all of us, " ...the saint is preserved, not in the sense that he will not suffer adversity, but that he will go through adversity and come out a winner." PRAISE GOD!
We are truly blessed daily by your prayers and support. We feel God's sustaining presence here and his power at work.
Friday, September 4, 2009
God is Faithful!
Katie is off IV fluids and is now on oral pain meds. Her swelling has gone down considerably and might get discharged tomarrow.
Ben and Katie are having special moments together. The doctor has taken Ben off of the sedatives for now to see how he reacts without them. They have him them ready to administer if necessary. They have given him one dose of blood pressure meds, when he got a little too excited. Well Ben beat Katie to the "passin gas thing" Katie is still waiting for her turn.... giggles.... She sends her love!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
God is Good !!

Katie's scripture for today :
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sept 2 - Praise Report
September 1 Update from Katie
Thank you for your continued prayer and support. We are all blessed by your obvious love!
Katie is progressively healing but she continues to wait for her tummy to wake up. (pass gas, break wind… J )… once this happens she can get off her ice chip diet. Today she was able to swish apple juice which, according to her was, “heavenly”. Pray for a good sleep tonight and healing in her mouth. Katie loves her Ben and prays constantly for him!!!
Ben continues to be a fighter. He is slowly brought out of sedation for short periods where they closely watch his responses. He does respond to painful stimuli which means his nerves in those areas are intact. His MRI cleared him of his neck collar so he has no spinal or neck areas that we are aware of. To put things in perspective we are learning that a brain injury can be compared to a broken arm… just like a broken arm has to be casted and immobilized the brain does too. The sedation that is being done to Ben is allowing Bens brain to rest which in turn allows it to go through the healing process. Small slow steps so we can see big results. Please pray that infection is cleared from his body. He has a temperature so they are trying to find the source of infection. We are continually reminded that God is the ultimate Physician and only Healer!
The verses we are clinging to today are found in 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 along with the song titled, “I Will Rise” by Chris Tomlin