(a triathlon Ben did a few years ago with some buddies)
Yup folks that is right...Ben got approved to do water therapy in the pool!!! This is good news! Ben lives for the water! Whether it be wakeboarding, snorkling, diving, or just swimming around with his mask and fins in murky water! He loves it...did I mention that he has an amazing boat...one of the reasons I married him! :)
His first session in the pool should be this coming Monday morning! I will be able to watch, take videos and go to a place where I can see him under water! Should be fun!
We had another team meeting yesterday with his docs, therapists and case manager. They are very impressed with how Ben is doing and challenging him to do more!
Ben will be getting his last dose of Dilantin (most sedating seizure med) this Friday!! He will still be on 2 other ones but they are way less sedating! Please pray that the seizures stay away and his cognative ability continues to increase!
Ben was on the Lokomat (robotic walking machine) yesterday for 30 min again! His PT said that there was a few minutes when he would grunt and make noise with every step! This is new but it is getting voluntary voice out! She would encourage him to grunt softly when he was walking slower and the louder when he sped up...he did it!!
Ben continues to assist in feeding himself! Put a dish of chocolate ice cream it front of him and he goes to town! He does really well with his swallow and head control with now minimal queing!
Wii games are now in the works! Rec therapy has found something that he is interested in besides going outside! Ben has played a few things so far and getting some good control of the controls themselfs. When you try and help him with his hand, he shoves ours away...he wants to do it on his own! I think we might have to buy a Wii for our own use!!
So far this week has been a great week! I just have to keep praising Jesus in it all...good times and bad! Yeah God!!
In a book I have been reading about praise the author writes, "Esther knew, for such a time as this, she was born. And that sense of purpose enabled her to do what she had to do, which was save her people from destruction, even though she risked he life doing it." For such a time as this...oh how that applies to me right now! This for sure would not have been in my time line but for some reason it is in Gods. I was for some reason born for this...I am trying to see the purpose in it all. Some days I see it and others I am still baffled. But in such a time as this I purpose to choose to love my God and love on my Ben! It is an honor to do both! The author goes on to say a bit later in the chapter, "You don't have to make your life happen; you just have to worship God and let Him make it happen. You don't have to strive to figure out your purpose. You have to strive to know God! He knows your purpose. Your praise will illuminate the path by which God will guide you into your future and the purpose He has for you! You won't accomplish it, He will! Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit!" (Zech. 4:6) Do you know how good that it is to hear that!?! It is a good reminder to me that God has everything in control! Um, yes, I would love to be in control but I don't think that I would get anywhere with that control but maybe make ruts in the ground because I had been going in circles! How much do we strive to make things happen and then come to find out that it was not apart of God's plan and purpose for our lives...what a waste of time! He says, all I have to do is strive to know Him more! Well, I am striving to know my Jesus more and in doing so He will accomplish our plan!!
Please pray for:
~ No more seizures when med is completely stopped!
~ VOICE!!! He is so close to doing more and more!
~ Continued relaxing of his muscles...from the tip of his toes to the top of his head!
~ Water therapy will help him
~ Complete 100% healing!
Thank you for all your love, prayers and encouragement!!