Monday, October 14, 2013

an art piece...

today was a a good but busy day! we were in and out of the house all day but ben managed to get a project in! 

i saw a random pic of the idea and pretty much had all the supplies so ben got to work! i helped him with the trunk but ben pretty much did the rest! 

supplies were just paint, canvas, q-tips and a small paint brush for the trunk. 

we were sitting on the couch later this evening and i asked ben what he called it and he said "my happy tree while in pain." he said he felt good when he painted, it felt normal and good in amongst everything he was going through! 

my goal was for him to paint us something for above the fireplace {needs a mantle} for the fall! ben surpassed what i wanted and did amazing! looks like well need to go buy some more canvas for him to paint different things! 
love the freedom and peace he feels when he just paints! 

here is his final result...

well done ben, well done! 


  1. OH!! Ben, I am so proud of you. What a wonderful picture. I might just have to hire you to paint me a picture. May you feel Father's touch in a special way.

  2. This is so pretty!!

  3. Beautiful! Art can be so therapeutic, calming, and enjoyable. It's the way I personally express myself best and a hobby I really enjoy. Ben's painting is just wonderful and I'm glad to hear there will be more possibly. God Bless

  4. This is AMAZING! Everyone needs a "happy tree" in their home. Great job Ben. Can't wait to see it in person on that mantle really soon! :)

  5. so awesome! I love how you dial right into what he can do so well and USE it. This will be a great addition to the home!

  6. I know it's a mixed bag of emotions for him. On one hand, it's gorgeous and meaningful, but on the other hand, I'm sure he'd prefer playing football with some buddies or doing manly things around the house instead.

    Yet, he paints. And it provides some therapy, to which I am grateful.

    I think it's beautiful for all the symbolism it carries, but also just as a piece. I know it's crazy, but wouldn't it be neat if he made art and sold it in an etsy shop with his story attached? I'd totally buy.

  7. Oh my word! I LOVE the painting.

  8. You are such a strong and amazing woman. Ben is blessed to have you by his side. You make it look easy on your blog but I know, being a caretaker has got to be draining and exhausting at times yet you still retain that beautiful smile and hopeful spirit. You're an inspiration.
