Tuesday, November 6, 2012

i owe you...

yes, it has been another long while since i have posted and i owe you a long update.
we have had alot of change here and have been adjusting to it all as best we can.
it has been good, different and just alot of waiting. more on that later.
i have lots of photos to dump on you as well. so get ready for that.
we celebrated 5 years of marriage the end of oct. and went away for the weekend.
ben got a bike and he makes me run beside him which i think is good for me.
medical appointments are scheduled from 3 weeks ago until mid dec.
we got ben's first oral surgery date.
and lots more but my mind is on overdrive yet at the same time shutting down...

i will get back on here to bring you all those updates...thank you for being patient!


  1. Dear One, Five has always been my favorite number. Many blessings to you on your fifth year of marriage. Thank you for taking time to share in this BUSY time of your lives. Marion

  2. Bless your sweet hearts! Since I started reading your story, I have bee filled with admiration for you both!

    Side note: you might want to disable your word verification........many people won't comment if they have to type in those almost unreadable words. I use comment moderation instead and it works well.

  3. So sorry things have been difficult during this time of transition.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Laurel :)

  4. Dearest Katie & Ben,
    You two are busy bees.
    Happy belated wedding anniversary to you both.
    Hugs and don't ever worry about your readers; make sure you feel well and get YOUR things done.

  5. I've been following your blog for months and just wanted to say that you've been in my prayers. I miss hearing your updates!
