Monday, November 7, 2011

hard work and junk salvation...

We had a very busy weekend but a super fun weekend! I guess it really started when we again went to my lil brothers football game. Yes, I post on here all the time about going but we love it! Ben played football and I grew up to my dad coaching and brothers playing so it is in our blood! Not to mention since he won his first playoff game 41-0 that we are going to the state playoffs! His game will be here next Sat so we of course will be going. Ben and I went to REI this past Friday too and when were there we picked up one of those bleacher seats to see it it would work for Ben. Our bleachers stink...flat metal benches. Anyways, Ben lasted for about 20 min before it got uncomfortable and wiggly. My niece took the photo below before he got back into his wheelchair which has an great comfy cusion!

{handsome man}

Saturday I was invited by my friend Kim, who started following our blog just a few months after the accident, to go to "Junk Salvation" presented by the Funky Junk Sisters! Kim has gone the past few years and she got me in on the event! All I can say is that I was in heaven! I loved it! It wasn't like a bazzar or craft fair but more just updated shappy chic, vintage, retro, cool stuff! I am for sure going to have to go back when they do it again in May! I picked up a few things that I am going to have to invest some TLC to! Some things to do in this wretched cold weather!

{kim and i}

{so appropriate for ben's night stand}

{old letter from a sign}

{scored a $30 door}

{it sits here until i paint it and hang a christmas wreath in it}

Sunday we went to church and it was good. We were late...uhhggg...but I have a good excuse! There was a race going on and they of course ran through a round-a-bout which stopped all traffic and the cops would only let one car through at a no likey! We got there and it was a good service. Ben of course sang loud again and it warms my heart!
We came home and rested for a bit and then took off for a baby shower! It was so fun because it was couples and I got to see alot of people I had not seen in awhile. Ben did as well and it was so good for him! We had a delicious dinner followed by gifts and tasty treats. At one point while opening gifts I leaned over to Ben and asked if he was ok and his whispered response was, "this is boring!" Ha, he said baby showers are for girls! I later told my friend and she laughed too...she tried to get her husband to help open presents but he wasn't really having it either! Let's just say Ben will prob want to escape the house if we ever have a baby shower (excuse me...when) but I might be able to lure him back for some good food!

Today was to be a full day but ended up being a chill day for the afternoon. We got up and I don't know what hit me but I was in cleaning mode! I swept, mopped, cleaned and a bunch more things! Ben had speech this am and then we got a call saying his OT was going to be canceled because his OT had a kidney stone removed on Sunday that he wasn't expecting. We ended up chilling and I did a bit more cleaning. At one point Ben and Diesel were passed out on the couch and I wish that I could have done the same thing!

I wanted to show you a few videos of one of Ben's last PT sessions. He has been working with a ne PT for about a month now and has really been working with Ben on his balance adn core strength. She started integrating an exercise ball and doing alot of new things. There was a point in Ben's therapies, not to long after the accident, that they were doing ball work with him but when they did it he was leaning against it with someone behind him, one in front and one on the side. Now he is sitting on the ball and balancing with one person! She also has been doing some things with it on Ben's back. His core is pretty much the weakest part of his body and as it gets stonger he can do alot more things! The things she is having him do used to be so super easy for him and his abs had no problem being strong...I can attest to that! Ben does stuff in small counts these days and in the video you might here him grunting because he is working SO hard!

I had a few other videos of Ben's walking with the railing outside but for some reason they wouldn't send from my phone! I did snap this photo as he was doing some shoulder stretching with the door frame and he looked so good! I am not talking about his balancing or his position but just his face and the way he looks! Kindof very close to who he was...i LOVE it! I thank the Lord always that Ben still has his handsome appearance and that the Lord saved him from having scars and any other facial issues! His muscles are weak in parts of his face which affects things but for the most part he still has his amazingly handsome face!

and I will end on this note...our snuggles tonight! Have I mentioned that I LOVE this man...


  1. Woot way to go Ben! Stability/strenght training with the medican ball is hard, he was going at it like a pro.

    I've noticed in pictures lately the changes in Ben's face, back to how it used to be. Praise Jesus! It's so exciting to see how He's healing him :]

  2. I love your finds!

    I liked hearing about the couples baby shower. My youngest son is planning to host a couples baby shower for a couple that are his BFF's from college, and he asked me to cater it, which he knows is what I do, and I love this couple too. I know getting my husband to attend will be hard, so I am going to tell him that Ben, the Ranger, attended one:)

    My son is taking a class at his gym to prep/train for climb Mt. Rainier, and I told him all about Ben and his hope to climb it again. He was amazed to hear about you both and read your blog. I think Ben may be his new hero.

    As always, thank you so much for opening your life to read. you really do continue to amaze me and lift me up as we enter this new phase of cancer and chemo.

    Blessings, Mari

  3. Both of you are such a blessing to me. I'm a pretty new follower to your blog, but I love each and every entry. God bless!

  4. You know, Katie, my first thought was he looks good. I didn't even realize he was doing therepy. I love you, Marion

  5. This was a wonderful post to read. I love your findings =), I even liked the way the clock sat in the door. Love seeing the progress that Ben has made and you two look great.

  6. Ben is looking so good! I absolutely loved his smile in the first picture. God does continue to heal and you both have been so faithful. Thank you for sharing.


  7. great finds K! And Ben is looking better and better each time you post! Makes my heart very happy :)

  8. Loving this blog! Following now! You two are adorable!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I still love all your finds. The big R is awesome. Great purchase. I'm excited to see the door finished and what color you choose. Thanks for being a great shopping partner. Looking forward to the one in May.
    Ben's looking so good.
    Have a blessed week.

  11. Katie, I just found your blog.. and read so many entries starting from the beginning. I am crying. You are an amazing and TRUE wife and I am just blown away by how you are glorifying our God and praising Him constantly. I wish I could meet you in person and go for a hike with coffee and talk for hours! Your faith is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy to have found you on here! Thank you, thank you, for sharing. Your faith has just strengthened my own!
    With love,
