Tuesday, September 13, 2011

vending machine...

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take.
Don't be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones." Prov 3:5-8

Sunday morning Ben and I woke up and Ben had wanted to go to the 9am service. Well, he surprised me by sleeping in until 8:15 and so we would only have 45 minutes to get ready...that was not going to happen! We decided that we would go to the 0945 service instead so we just laid in bed and relaxed.
Ben and I started talking a bit. He is getting better at bringing things up and instigating conversations to which I love!
There was a pause and then out of nowhere Ben said, "I feel like I'm in a vending machine." I was taken back by this and asked him to please explain why he thought that he was in a vending machine. He went on to explain that he felt like he was waiting to be chosen, waiting to be selected. Ben said that he felt like he has been sitting in a vending machine forever and he has been waiting for God to put some money in and select him to be healed! Ben said, "I want it to be my turn, I want to be healed, I want to be taken out of this situation."
WOW!!! Ben may have a brain injury but he can bring up some pretty wise analogies. I would have never thought of this in a million years. What a wise man he is. We were able to talk about it for a bit and I was able to share with him that he is healing. It is taking time and that stinks but we have to wait it out. I was able to tell him that I felt that God had put the money into the slot and he has already begun to heal Ben, he just hasn't dropped down the hatch yet because God isn't done with Ben yet. It made me think tonight on the verse that was mentioned on Sunday's blog. "The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think..." 2 Peter 3:9a His timing may not be our timing and sometimes I just don't like that, but it is what He wants and not what we want. I cannot see the big picture I cannot see the promises fulfilled at this moment. He has selected Ben and He will get him out of that vending machine in His perfect timing. There is not enough money for me to put into the vending machine to get Ben out myself. I along with Ben will have to be patient. We are going to keep living this life that is in front of us!
It was a very sweet time with Ben that morning and I am grateful that we got that time together.

The past few weeks Ben started going to a chiropractor. He is not your norm and not into bone crunching. In Ben's case there has to be alot more sensetivity to his head, neck and body in general. It takes more then just a quick adjustment. We are trying to get Ben there at least one time a week and more if possible. Unfortunately this is not covered by our insurance (you would think it would be with all the military injuries) which means we cover every visit. I don't mind doing this because we are being cared for in every other way. We are blessed!
Anyways, Ben has gone 3 times and each time has been good for Ben. He gets alot of stretching, soft tissue manipulation, tapping on his reflex areas and traction. I am trying not to get my hopes up as to if it is helping or not but I think it has to a degree. I think it is going to take alot more visits but we are on the path to hopefully having this help!

Side note...I was walking around Target today with making a headboard in mind. At first I thought that I would make one and upholster it but that just became to big of a project in my brain. I then thought of wallpaper and since we are renting use velcro to hang it. Finally at Target I landed looking for a shower curtain or something in the color I wanted with alot of texture that I could cover a piece of board with to make the headboard. Well, I found a few decent ones but they were a bit more then I wanted to spend but of course cheaper then what I would have paid to make the original headboard. I am kind of a penny pincher at times. (I do splurge occasionally to keep things fun!)
So with shower curtains or anything textured crossed off my list I was walking down the rug isle. Waaalaaa, a grey rug called out to me and it was on clearance. I looked at the measurements and they were perfect for our spare room bed! I thought I might be crazy for hanging a rug on my wall as a headboard but I thought I would give it a try...plus it was only 9 bucks! 9 bucks folks...the price was right!
I got home and quickly put it up and loved it! I have yet to make it level and flatten it out but I love how it turned out!


  1. That rug looks great as a headboard! Nice way to save a few bucks :]
    That's so awesome for Ben (about the chiroprator), I also hate that TRICARE doesn't cover it. I used to pay out of pocket to go since I have a lot of issues but had to stop in the last few years.
    I've been praying a lot this week that he is able to work on strenghting his neck.. and to think I didn't even know he was seeing a chiropractor :] ha.

  2. I continually pray for Ben to be touched by God's hands to heal his mind and body and to continue to give you both strength to stay in tune with Him because He is the only one that can actually heal Ben.
    I have been using a fur piece for several years as our headboard. It was given to us by a special friend so it means a lot to us.
    God Bless you both.

  3. I think the headboard looks just fine. As you said, healing takes time. Each day brings a marked improvement. I am so excited for the chiropractor. I know that will be a BIG blessing for Ben. Besides, going to a chiroprator is such a "normal" type doctor visit. I love you guys, and continue to trust Father for you. Marion

  4. I love the headboard idea. One of our friends hung a rug on there wall as a picture it actually looked really nice.

  5. What a great idea for a headboard. And how could you pass up $9 for a rug!? That's practically unheard of.

    I hope the chiropractor continues to help heal Ben and that you're provided for to continue to get the treatments. :)

    Emily w/Amazing Grapes

  6. Great job with the headboard! I enjoy reading your posts and keeping up with the progress. I'm sending you some extra strength today, as your blog gave me a boost of inspiration today! Thank you!!

