Tuesday, April 12, 2011

not much happening...

{aug 2006...a few weeks after we started dating...miss that smile}

......in these neck of the woods! it has actually been quite peaceful around here in the midst of knowing the craziness of what to come!
this past weekend was relaxing and just full of chilling. saturday morning was hanging out and then in the afternoon ben had a therapy session. after that we went outside because the weather was somewhat decent! we walked up and down the parking lot and then sat in the parking lot and chatted!
sunday i slept in a bit and then off to be with ben! again more down time during the day and then later afternoon we headed down to the fire station and had "macaronis" with the boys! it was alot of fun and the food was SO GOOD! of course i ate way to much and by the end of the night i was in a pasta coma! de.lic.ious!
monday was back to the grind of things! ben was back in his full therapy schedule and me, well i was looking online at target, ikea and a few other stores and looking for what we would need to get when we get home. the lists have begun! i am excited to have a home again and be under the same roof as my man! yesterday was beautiful though! it was 82 degrees here and ben and i were in heaven! today brings clouds and rain...booooo!!

the pieces of moving back are all pretty much taken care of. the plans still are in the works for next wednesday...8 days! ben asks every day how many days and i have him look at the calendar and figure it out! he cannot wait! all he talks about is seeing his boat, truck and quad...his babies! i cannot wait for him to get back to all those things and then soon in or on them all!

ben did art therapy again this morning! he went outside with the therapist and gathered different items to use as "painting objects" that nature produced. ben picked pine needles, flowers, bark and other items to use! this is what he made with those items...

although it is only tuesday i feel like it is thursday or even saturday...emotions are still up and down but i think i know what it is coming from. i have been lacking in my spiritual life. i have chosen to ignore the promptings to be in the word, worship and just spend time with Jesus. no, i am not going to put myself down for it but i do realize that i need it and miss it! even if it doesn't bring immediate happiness, joy and fulfillment it brings peace and calmness in the midst of the storm! so, that is going to be my focus! i need that time with Jesus so He can minister to my spirit, soul and heart!

onward and upward!


  1. Maybe having Ben back at home, with him being around his stuff will further motivate him!! They also say home helps to heal!! Ben has come a long way and he is only getting stronger!! You have come a long way as well and but you can get through this, with each other, you will find a way and it will make you stronger too!!

  2. Girl I am praying for YOU. I know the feeling of putting off getting in the word when down. You already know the benefits from it even when they aren't immediate so I won't say anything more on it.

    You're so strong. I'm amazed when I read your posts and how much strength you have. God has sure been with you both.

    I can't believe it's only 8 days away before you head home. A joy for you I'm sure..and a little frightening too??

    Again you're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Your sister in Him

  3. Amen, Catie! Through the periods of desolation, the Lord is blessing us more than we can imagine! Remain in His word, which is the shield against the darkness of this world. Persevere and endure in the Truth, God's word, knowing that even when we feel disconnected, He remains the same =)

    God bless you and Ben! May the Lord hold you both in His hands with gentle care as you prepare for your big move. Remain with Him, for He cares for you, His yoke is easy and His burden light.

    Peace to your heart!

  4. Hey friend. I wish I could have been there to hang during your nice weather. You're not missing much here :) It's nice to have some specific things to pray about. xo
    p.s. I love Ben's babies too!

  5. I love you and continue to trust Father for you both. Marion Next week at this time it will be tomorrow!!

  6. Oh Katie, Bless you, We have all been there. God prompting and us refusing but what a blessing when we finally pick up His word.

    My prayers are with you and Ben. I am so excited for you to be in your own home. I think Ben will even do better because of it.

    Whoa, that boat baby is awesome. Summer is on it's way!

    in Olympia

  7. Bless you and Ben. I know the feeling when you haven't been in the Word, you just feel unsettled. The Lord is our strength and help. He is our peace. Continually praying for you. Shalom

  8. Oh friend. It's funny because I have been reading your blog for months, too! We obviously have different circumstances in life, but trust that God can carry us through.

    Your dear husband looks like he's doing so well and I always come here for updates on what he is up to, his latest treatments, and most recently, his return home!!!! I was SOOO excited when I read that.

    That story I posted. I know it hits close to home and I'm sorry if it put you in an uncomfortable position. I was just showing my absolute empathy for a woman and her son who have experienced struggle. Our lives are not ours-- we are just here temporarily and live with what we are given. We HAVE to pick ourselves up from our bootstraps and not dwell on the past things we cannot change. We must be strong. You are such a inspiration and so is Ben. (btw, we love his name. Future baby boys for us... that name is a definite contender!)

    I'll keep reading about your transition. I can't wait for Ben to be out of a hospital and back with you full time! :)

  9. Just stumbled upon your blog, or your life/story rather. And am encouraged to see how far the Lord has brought you and your Ben. I am in awe... almost speechless... God has done such a mighty work here, with you and him. Miracles and blessings have surrounded you.
    I will begin to pray. That in these times of change and newness, you would know the hand of your Heavenly Father so evidently upon your life, you can't help but to leap into His arms each morning, and remain there all day.
    Onward and Upward indeed.

  10. Hi- you do not know me but I have been following your journey/blog for months. You are such an inspriation to me and you and Ben are in my prayers every single day. To be honest, your blog brings me back to reality on most days when I feel ike I am "stuggling"- I pull up your story and remind myself that all of the small things that may seem big at the time do not even compare to your daily life. I am a newly married (only one year) and your blog really tugs at my heart. I felt inclined to say hello today as I read....letting you know that you guys are in my prayers. Take care and I look forward to reading about more progress.


  11. katie, i am so thrilled for you and ben! i know you are so excited to finally go home. i will be praying for a smooth transition for you both!
