Thursday, April 21, 2011

the countdown is over...

Well, we made it back to WA! We are one step closer to being in our home but we are on WA soil and it feels so good!
Our adventure started early Wednesday morning. I got up, finished up my packing and checked out of the hotel. I never thought I would be happy to check out of a hotel but that morning I was happy to do so! 5 months was long enough! I must say we earned alot of Marriot points though! Right before I left the hotel I got a phone call from the ambulance plane company saying that there was a "warning" button that was going on in the plane and that they needed to check things out. They had no idea what was going to happen next or what time they would be coming to get us. I made my way to Ben who was eating breakfast in the dining room and told him that our flight was delayed. We waited, and waited and waited! We were to go at about 9am but we finally got picked up about 12! It was alot of waiting but to have a "healthy" plane made it worth it!
When we got in the air Ben got some nausea medication because of what happened on our last flght. I should have given in and taken the shot too but instead my stomach was in my throat for a few hours. We had about a 3 hour flight and landed in South Dakota for gas and food! Up and away we went again for another 3 hour leg! Ben was awake the first and slep almost the whole last one. He did great!
We landed at the Olympia airport and some of my family was there waiting for us as we arrived! All my neices and nephews were jumping around and waving their arms! They got to see us unload from the plane and lots of hugs and kisses were given out! It was quite amazing and so fun to see everyone that was there!
Off to the rehab facility we went! I got Ben settled with some dinner and in bed and he was exausted! We were still on east coast time and so by the time we got to the rehab center it was after 9pm our time! After I got him settled I took off and finally got my first real meal of the day. I think I went to bed after 1am east coast time! I was pooped for sure!

Of course I was up at like 0645 this am because of the time change and I tried to rest a bit before rolling out of bed. I am staying with one of my sisters until we move into our rental house so I went down stairs for coffee and to hang with the kiddos. It is so fun to be close to them again!
I headed over to Ben who was already in an OT session. She was helping him shower and get dressed to see how he did it. Ben at one point said, "this is not how Rich and Ilana do it!" I had to laugh to myself because these were 2 of Ben's main therapists! To him, this new therapist was doing it all wrong! He continued on though! He had a break and then PT came in to work with him. After that was lunch followed by some chill time and visitors and then ST. While in ST she went over a few general questions and then some more challanging ones. Ben has had these before and I was able to hear his answers then and now! This time he did SO MUCH BETTER!! A few of them he needed to be asked, "are you sure?" and then he would think about it and change his answer to the new one! He did awesome!!
For the rest of the afternoon we chilled and rested. Ben was getting pretty tired at this time so we just took it easy. Please pray for him as this is a hard transition. He REALLY wants to be at home and just keeps asking me when we can go home. He said this new place is just like the last one and that he doesn't want to be there! He actually said that he would like to go back to Kessler to work with his old therapists! I explain to him that this is very short term and that we just have to be patient! He says, "ok." Poor guy is just so tired of being in a hospital and I cannot blame him. He also kept saying that it is not fair that I can just go anywhere I want to at any time (told him I had to go to Target to get meds.) Ben said he doesn't like that and wants his feedom back and to be "normal" again! Please continue to lift him up in your prayers!
Prayers for me as well! This facility is new to me and it is hard not to jump in and tell them how we have been doing things for the last 5 months. I know Ben better then anyone but I also know that I need to be open to what other people might have to offer because it might be better! Also pray that these next few weeks go smoothly not only with setting up our rental house but also with being there for Ben in his frustration! It is alot to bear sometimes and keep everything going smoothly!

Thank you all for your sweet comments, prayers and encouragement! It has truly helped ana has been a huge blessing! I will try and get another update soon! Just know it will be a bit busy around these parts!

{our plane}

{boarding up}

{not alot of room even though it looks big!}


  1. Welcome home!!! So happy to have you back in WA!!! Praying that you both have a smooth transition. I'm sure it is hard for Ben but I know he will do great!

  2. Hi Katie!

    Not sure if you remember me from church (we were both little girls!), but I ran into Mary and was so excited when she said you guys would be back on WA soil soon!

    If Ben is at MoJo's, we know some awesome employees there. I'm glad you guys are home and close to family. We've been praying for you!

  3. So glad to hear you are finally home! I am keeping Ben and you in my prayers, especially as these next few weeks will be hard.

    Bless you both!
    Victoria Williams

  4. Yahoo!!! Welcome home! Lots of prayers for this transition time, and lots of praise for how far He's brought you on this winding road! Rest well, take a deep breath, and enjoy the surrounding love of your family. :)

  5. You're amazing. I can't imagine how much is on your shoulders and you continue with such a sweet and positive attitude. I'll keeping you and Ben in my prayers.

    Patience, strength and perseverance.

    Welcome home!

  6. Glad you guys made it to WA! Can't say i'm as excited to be moving back there ha. I'll be praying for you guys :]

  7. So happy for you both. Praying that the transition will go well.

    Hang in there ... I'm sure you will BOTH be in YOUR HOME very soon.

    I am also praying that SPRING will hit western washington very soon (this is my selfish prayer, as well). I'm sure you would both like some sunshine to welcome you HOME.

    Laurel :)

  8. Welcome back to WA!! I will pray for extra strength for you Katie. I can only imagine how tiring the day in day out battles must be to stay patient, to stay joyful, etc. I pray that you have/gets lots of support, help and encouragement every step of the way! xo

  9. So glad you made it back to WA safely! Will be praying.

  10. So glad yall made it home safe!! I've been praying for yall and have been anxious for an update. Prayers will continue to come your way!

  11. Yes, I always check to see if anything new is written, BUT you need to know I am amazed at how well you do keep up. Not one of us has any business getting "upset" we don't get more info. I am pleased for you, that you are with your family. I know they love it too!!! Hugs, Marion

  12. So happy for you guys. Will continue to pray for you and Ben both. Happy Easter!

  13. thanks for taking the time to blog....know you made a special effort to inform us. you have been in my thoughts and prayers...there is so much to be done...huge transition for Ben and you...praying for peace and patience. love ya, aunt sharon

  14. Just wanted to know I am praying for you and Ben and this new season of life you are experiencing.
    Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
    Hebrews 4:16

  15. I actually hadn't visited your blog until tonight, and I wanted to tell you how amazing it is. What an inspiration.

    I also wanted to congratulate you on being one of the milbloggie finalists. Hope you're as excited as I was! :)

  16. Welcome Home! What an amazing five months. I will be watching this blog for even bigger steps in your lives.


  17. Welcome back to WA! I'll be praying as you guys transition:)

  18. Glad you are home. I always hear from my Pastor about all the gifts we have. God has given you new gifts in Olympia and he has kept you this far and will continue to keep you. I pray The Lord strengthen you and Ben today to trust Him as He is working in your life. You are in my prayers. Bless you.
