I have come to the conclusion that life for us will never be the same! I think that is how I should have been thinking pre-accident but I wasn't because life to me was peachy! How can any of us think that life will be the same or how we want it to be? We plan a day and at the end of the day something in it changed or didn't go the way we wanted. We plan a move, a marriage, a baby, a year, a life...nothing goes usually as we plan. We have been told by the Lord that we are not promised our tomorrows.
This bothered me for a long time! I wanted life to go just as I planned and I wanted it to look my way with my plans and for us to look a certain way! The Lord has taught me a great lesson in this. He does not say in Jeremiah 29:11, for your know the plans that are for you...He says, "for I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future!" He doesn't say there will never be heartache, changes to our plans, shattered dreams...He just says He knows that plans He has for us! I don't think the Lord had this happen to us but He allowed it. I still question at times why and now the big question is when is it going to be over. When I look at the last part of this verse though it gives me much strength and hope! Plans to PROSPER, plans of HOPE, and plans of a FUTURE!!
Ben may never look exactly like this...

or this...

I may never look like this...

Or this...

but we will always have this...

God has promised a future and a hope and in that Ben and I have each other love and we have each other! In having that it makes this journey a bit easier! We are committed to each other and in that I know that we will be blessed and taken care of!
This past weekend was a really good one. Not that anything exquisit happened or did we go on some grand adventure but it was just a good weekend for Ben and I!
Saturday Ben had therapy mid morning and not only did he work on his walking but they also tried him out on his bowling skills! He did great with his arms until they got tired and then it became a foot game! If his doc approves (which he should) Ben will get to take a bowling alley trip with Rec Therapy this coming Thursday!! The rest of the day we just chilled, played some games and then our buddies from the fire department stopped by to visit! Ben always enjoys those visits because he gets some man time!
Sunday I got to Ben around 1030 and went to find him and was told he was in church! They asked him before I got there if he wanted to go and he said yes! I found him listening to the sermon with much intensity! I snuck in behind him and listened as well! The sermon ended and they started singing Oh How I Love Jesus! Ben started singing and it was not a quite lil voice but a strong one! He never was one to sing loud in church but in his own quite kind of way. It was soooo good to hear him singing praises to Jesus! I asked him when we got back to his room if he liked church today he said yes. When I asked him why he liked it these were his answers:
~Not alot of people
~I can worship the Lord
~I am not the only one praising the Lord.
After church we hung out until lunch. We ate lunch here and then took off to my hotel room. Ben loves going to my room because not only does it get him out of the hospital but he gets to take a nice long nap in my comfy bed! Ben took a nap and I watched our church service back in WA online.
Ben was laying on the bed and he said out of no where, "the guy who hit us should be here (hospital!)" I told you that I would love to switch but would never wish this on anyone! I told Ben that we can no longer look back at the accident but we must move and look forward! I shared a few things with him and told him who he was to me. When I was done I asked Ben who he was and this is what he said...
-I am a man
-I am a man of God
-I'm a faithful man
-I'm loyal
-I am a good husband
-I am a faithful Ranger
-I'm a man full of integrity!
What an amazing husband I have...I know I have said it over and over but it is true!
We snuggled a bit longer and then headed back to Kessler for his dinner and more hang time! Ahhhh, I love being with my man! Thank you Jesus for giving me more time with him!
Ben's sayings...
I told Ben I was going to throw a fit about something and he said, "no, I will not allow that!" Me-"why?" Ben-"Because I wear the pants of this family!"
I told Ben that Verizon gets the iPhone next month and Ben said, "that's bad!" When I asked him why he said, "your going to want it!" Oh he knows me to well! I will have to wait until I get an upgrade...too many dollars!
God is definitely restoring you both and I pray for continual miracles to take place. You are right God doesn't promise us tomorrows nor is life ever going to be the same. Through mine and my husbands past trials our relationship is surely not the same but God is always there to help us through as I know God will help you both through this. Your attitude is very inspiring and I admire it greatly! God bless you.
ReplyDeleteSweet Katie, You are walking in the best gifts os all, trust and contentment. Yes, there are feelings...yet you let Father be Father, the Great I AM. Thank you for sharing those gifts with all of us. I love you, Marion
ReplyDeleteyou guys are too cute <3
ReplyDeletelove your words!
wow. every time I read your posts I am amazed at your ability to always find the good, the uplifting, the beautiful. You have such a deep inner strength and watching you walk your faith is inspiring. thank you for sharing so much! I haven't read back through all your posts, but whenever you write about things your husband says, I wonder how they compare to things he would have said before the accident. like the comment about wearing the pants, is that something he would have joked about before the accident? or has his sense of humor/style of conversation changed? Please keep sharing your story and I'll keep praying for you both!!
ReplyDeleteK...yes, that is something he would say! We used to joke about it when we needed to make a decision on things. He is the man of the house so therefore he wears the pants!
ReplyDeleteI am so blessed that his personality has really stayed the same. Ben is a very quite, humble man but can crack some pretty funny lines!
I've been following you guys for a while... and I think that you are absolutely amazing Katie... I even wrote a blog about how I look forward to your posts... Thank you for being an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteyou guys can always make me smile!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite blog posts! There is such a peace
ReplyDeleteIn knowing that God has a perfect plan for each
One of our lives... As he says don't take thought
For tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself...
It always amazes me at the words you write and your
Trust in God in every situation. May I suggest a song you might
Like called "hard times" by Jamie Owens Collins.
That song makes me think of you... The hard times make you strong.
You two are so incredibly sweet! <3
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great day!
ReplyDeleteThe both of you are wise beyond your years.
Sweet Katie, you are such an inspiration in every single way. You two are amazing.
ReplyDeleteKatie, You are an inspiration to me. I've followed your blog for quite a while. Last year my daughter was sick and it was scary for a while. I remember being so hurt that God wasn't answering my prayers. After I while I 'regrouped' my faith, and as she got better I realized that God didn't put us here to make an easy path for us. You have it harder than many but you are such an inspiration, I know God supports you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, one day your record here is going to be such a valuable thing to your husband. You are recording his experience in a way he can't do it right now, and I believe our written words and journals are priceless and our Heavenly Father is pleased by our efforts to document our life to learn from it and bear testimony of the Savior.
K...I'm a bit late a posting a comment...but I just have to say that your words here are some of the most mature, encouraging, and hopeful I've ever read. I'm so proud of your faithful pursuit of God and his healing touch...and also of your unfailing love for Ben.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to both of you! Tim