Wednesday, January 19, 2011

after these messages...

{Ben and Rich}

...i will be right back!

My brother Rich and his wife Joy (really a big sis) have been in town from
WA since this past Sat! We have had alot of fun with them!
Early mornings and some late nights in the city!
That obviously is why I have not been on here for updates!

They are leaving tomorrow which is sad for Ben and I!
We had a blast with them and they will be missed!

Tomorrow when they leave I am also taking off to GA for a few days.
It is mixed business and pleasure.
I will be having a meeting with Ben's bosses
concerning the future and I will also be getting to see many of our friends there!

I will not be on here for a few more days but would appreciate your prayers for safe travel but most of all for Ben while I am gone! This is the first time I will be leaving him since we have been here in NJ! I know that he will be ok but it is still hard for me to leave and he asks for me every single morning!
Bless his heart!

When I will get back I will make sure I get back on here with photos and updates!!


  1. Loving that smile! Prayers always being sent your way!

  2. Have a safe and fun trip, and I hope everything goes smoothly when you speak to Ben's bosses. I will pray for confidence and a calm heart and mind for you when you go to meet with them, but I'm sure everything will go well for you. :)

    I don't know you or Ben at all, but after following your blog and catching a glimpse into your life, I do think and pray about you and Ben often each week, and hope you are doing well. You two appear to be about the same age as my husband and I (I am 23, he is 22), so I guess I feel a bit of a connection there. Keep being strong and trusting in God, He will always be with you and Ben, and always has a wonderful plan, even when things feel very hard!

    Blessings to you both,

    ~Christina (hailing from WA state)

  3. We'll continue to keep you both lifted up before the throne of our Great High Priest but especially while you are apart.

    With love in Christ,

    Denise R. from Texas

    "Come, O house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the LORD." Isaiah 2:5

  4. I will continue my prayers for mom and I were passing by Ft. Benning last weekend and I told her your story and we prayed for y'all! Ben's recovery...your marriage...your sanity because I can't imagine how strong of person you are amazing Katie! Have another great day with your brother and sil!

  5. Dear One, I am so delighted you had such a wonderous time with your brother and sister-in-law. :) I am trusting for favor and Father's mercy when you are in GA. Father has already been there. He's just waiting for you to get there so He can show you what He has planned. I love you guys, Marion
