"God arms me with strength, and He makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights. He trains my hands for battle; He strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow."
Psalm 18:32-34
"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." Exodus 15:2
Remember that lil song that goes...
My God is so great
So strong and so mighty
There's nothing
My God cannot do!!!
Well, can I just say that although Ben is not God, God has equipped Ben to be strong and mighty! So the tune that I sang today after Ben put in a good PT session was...
My Ben is so great,
So strong and so mighty,
There's nothing,
My man cannot do!!
First Ben started at the "stairs" today! He did this for a brief moment yesterday but was a bit tuckered out! Today he was at it again and did it great! It is only four steps but for his first time Ben grabbed ahold of the bars and hiked to the top! It reminded me of him climbing Mt. Ranier in WA that he has climbed multiple times! Although it is only four steps Ben did it and it is four steps closer to getting back up on his mountain! After the stairs Ben walked with his walker and about doubled his distance! While he walked he watched my fingers and said the number that I held up to help keep his head up! Following his walking he did a sit-down treadmill for over 10 min!! All this therapy session was longer then an hour!! Ben just kept going and going strong!!

This past week Ben also tried something new! PT got him on a regular treadmill! This is progress! He is harnessed in to help support his upper body (how most people start) and keep him from falling! It totally reminded me of a baby deer who is learning how to walk! At first Ben's legs were all over the place but then he got control over his legs and started walking with it and getting his legs under control!

Ben continues to have pool therapy two times a week! This has really helped him in his balance, walking, abs and stretching! There are not a ton of new things that he is doing but he is mastering what he is doing! The photo below is Ben doing sit-ups in the pool! You should try it sometime! It is hard!!

This last photo is Ben balancing in the bars and while holding on with one hand using the other to bat the balloon when it comes at him! This challanges his balancing and coordination!

One more video! This was last Thursday! Ben had some substitute PT's and they asked Ben if he wanted to walk inside or out...of course he chose outside! He did amazing!! Ben walked a very long distance and at the end he had broken a sweat!! Here is a lil clip...
Ben's quote of the day....watching the Oprah show with Ben...when Mr. Bush Sr. called his wife precious I said, "Oh that is sweet!" Later when it went to commercial Ben nudged me and said, "you are my precious!" Melt my heart...can't get any better then that!
Oh, my dear Katie, Father gives good gifts, both Bens healing and his words to you. I continue to trust Father for you both. Hugs, Marion
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing, Katie! You go thru all this one painful step at a time and keep giving him hope and purpose. You are the reason he's trying and working so hard. Thanks for giving us all a better picture [and video!] of the hard work Ben's putting in to get back to the full life you both rightfully expect. Why should the miracles stop?! They won't, so keep it up. Blessings on you both:)
ReplyDeleteYou have been an inspiration, Katie. There is nothing sweeter than the enduring love between husband and wife, what a true blessing. You are the picture of "...in sickness and in health..." God bless you both!
ReplyDeleteWe love watching Ben's progress, and all his hard work! Amazing! He is so strong!
ReplyDeleteSo amazing. He is doing so well, and you are just awesome.
ReplyDeleteAWWW! I love that he called you precious! What a great sense of humor! God is so Great!! Happy Wednesday Katie and Ben!
ReplyDeleteThis post brought tears to my eyes, well I think all of your posts too. What a beautiful testimony you are of a Godly wife; loving, supporting and encouraging your husband every step of the way.
ReplyDeleteGreat post and great videos! Ben's walking looks so great. Such a sweet comment that he made to you! Have a great week and a very special Veterans day!
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE this. And I love YOU!!
ReplyDeleteKatie...so proud of Ben's commitment to progress. It's exciting to watch. We're praying for the upcoming move, knowing that our God is going ahead of you to pave the way. Much love to you both!
ReplyDeletePlease thank Ben for me for his service to our country. Happy Veteran's Day. Praying for a smooth transition as you move to the east coast!
ReplyDeleteKatie & Ben, I wanted to wish you a Happy Veteran's Day and send a special thanks to Ben for his service to our country. I am praying that your move goes smoothly and you adjust well to a new environment. I loved the comment you shared about Ben telling you that 'you are my precious'. What a special memory! Love and prayers...
ReplyDeleteKatie!! H A P P Y V E T E R A N ' S D A Y to Ben . I love you guys, Marion
ReplyDeleteIt's Veteran's Day...BEN THANKS FOR SERVING. You are our hero and we are so proud of the man you are. WE are so fortunate to have great people like you in our armed forces.
ReplyDeletelove, Aunt Sharon and Uncle Joe
Keep up the good work. What a blessing you two are. God has and will continue to be faithful to you. Happy Veterans Day