“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six.”
...and I had all four tonight in honor of a HUGE accomplishment from Ben!! Yes, it was a weakness after working out and having a great day of eating healthy! So why the celebration?? Ben ate 2 whole pieces of pepperoni pizza and largely cut peaches for lunch today!! This is only the second time that he has eaten real food and both times he has done great! Ben went to town on it right away and his speech therapist had to make sure that he didn't get to big of bites in that mouth of his! We asked him if the pizza was better then mashed potatoes and he nodded his head yes. When we then went on to ask him if it was better than the apple sauce and ice cream he had been getting he shrugged his shoulders! Ok, so I even think ice cream is better then pizza!
That is why I celebrated with my own pizza party tonight...all while watching the Biggest Loser with dim light...that way I really couldn't notice how many pieces were missing from the box!
God has a way of showing us that He is still there and watching out for us...I needed that today and this is how He did it:
~Read in a book about His redeeming nature
~Was told by the Fisher House (house I am in) staff lady that she needed to talk to me (I thought I was in trouble) and she gave me gift cards to Target that had been given to the house.
~Ben ate the pizza and peaches
~Good chat with my mom
~Ben mastering the Wii with his oceans game and playing it forever!
~A wonderful snuggle time with my man
~An overall blessed day and feeling the presence of Jesus
Thank you Jesus for blessings us and always being with us!
So happy for you both!
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Katie!! I was so excited to see Ben eating pizza!!! At first I thought it was a picture from long back. I was blessed. THANK YOU, JESUS!!!! Your friend, Marion (I, too would have thought I was in trouble if I had beentold someone wanted to talk to me) :) :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing testimony of our Great Lord and Savior! I know that I don't know you, but I find myself getting so excited for you and your handsome hubby! The Lord has blessed Ben immensely with such an amazing and devoted wife! And you...beautiful Katie...it inspires me to see how God is working in your life...how He has blessed you with such a strong husband...how He holds you close in these tough times! Love reading about your snuggle time with Ben! SO AWESOME! Praying for you and your family daily!
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing. So happy to read this.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across your blog in my morning internet surf today. It changed my life in the matter of minutes. You and Ben are both amazing and I will pray for his recovery and strength for both of you every day. I can't express in words how much I admire both of you. God Bless.
ReplyDeletei LOVE this!!!! and what the heck! i didn't know he was playing the wii!! tell me more about that!!!
ReplyDeleteOh! The Lord is soooo good! One thing that has always been hard for me and has always moved me to tears is when the men and women of the military come home and face life and death situations here where it is safe and yet they come home from deployment without a scratch! Seeing Ben this way just always breaks my heart! He gives all for his country and then some nut has to go and put him in this situation; someone he fought for!
ReplyDeleteThis news is encouaraging to my heart. No matter what happens, our brave men and woman never give in and that is why I love them all so.
Praise God for this miracle! Keep up the work Ben and may the Lord be with you and your Ranger wife!
I almost cried reading this!(of course this sad Greys Anatomy music isnt helping much lol) What amazing progress! Go Ben =)
ReplyDeleteLove this, God is amazing, you are amazing and Ben is a hero (and amazing too!) Great that he gets to play Wii, our boys whip our butts regularly on the Wii particularly your Godson!! xxx Big love and prayers to you both. xx Nici and Bill
ReplyDeleteSuch good news! We do the same thing while watching the Biggest Loser...nothing makes you feel as bad as pigging out while watching a fitness tv show! ;)
ReplyDeleteWow girl. I'm glad to hear all is well and good things are going on. You're such an inspiration to me- you have no idea.
ReplyDeleteALWAYS so glad to hear what Ben is upto! It puts a big smile on my face. Our friends at church ask us weekly about Ben and his accomplishments. Everyone is cheering both of you on. YEH, pizza, way to go....
ReplyDeletelove, Aunt Sharon and Uncle Joe
ReplyDeleteContinuing to pray for you and rejoicing with you at Ben's progress. I talked to Darlene a couple weeks ago and it was good to catch up with her. My husband and I have been dealing with a completely different scenario than yours, but a tough one with lots of grief, and so I have great respect for your journey as you seek to trust and honor God and press on through all the unanswered questions, the sadness, the hopes, the intensity of your desires. May He bless you and Ben so richly. Love, The Farnsworths