Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Miracles are still happening...

Today marks another month on our journey. Eight months to be exact.
Eight months ago today was a day that changed our lives forever. At the
I thought it was the worst day of my life but today I look at it much
different. I really don't look to that day anymore, I look past it!
There has been so much that has happened since the accident and for as much
as it has changed our lives it has shaped our lives. You may be thinking,
oh she is so strong, she has a good head on her shoulders! Well folks, I am
human, strong and I try to keep my head on my shoulders! I must admit that
there are days when I cry out to God and ask when the end date is, how
much longer is He going to have Ben fight to have his body back, and when
can we go home. Jesus has gotten me through this...that head on my shoulders
thing...well it gets floppy many, many times but God holds it strong.
I think He had a good idea when He created me that I was set for something
that only He could have me do...why, I have no idea. I do know that He has never
left me or forsaken me! He is in control!
Yesterday was an amazing day for Ben!! You may think what I am about to write
may be minute but it is huge for him and I am for sure saying YEAH GOD!!
So, yesterday morning Ben's speech therapist caught me in the hallway and said that she was going to try Ben on some real food! She said that he was doing so well on the pureed foods that she was going to advance him to regular but still soft food!
So when lunch time came along Ben's try included chicken strips and diced carrots. His therapist cut up the chicken in normal bites and put them in his bowl. They gave him his special spoon (bent a tad) and Ben went to town! He got that chicken in his mouth so fast, chewed and swallowed!! He fed himself about 6 bites and then got pooped out. His OT was able to help him about a bit to finish it up! About 3/4 of the way through eating Ben started making some noises and grunting. After several questions from ST she discovered that Ben was not choking, aspirating or in any discomfort. When she asked him if he was trying to get voice out Ben nodded his head yes!!!! He did this several times and even a few times when ST asked him to do it!
Another thing that he was able to do was drink out of a straw! He was not able to do this in Atlanta and not even here when they trialed him on it 6 weeks ago! They say the more that they eat the faster speech comes...eat on my man!!
My heart has been happy and jumping for joy all day long! God has something up His sleeve and He continues to show us glimpses of that plan!! I cannot wait to see more of what He has!!
A scripture that I have been meditating on, reading over Ben and meditating on is in Is. It says:
"Have you never heard? Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
It has so many promises to it and all about God's power in our lives! I like that the Lord never grows weak or weary! I need Him for that because that means He can build me up in my weariness and weakness!!
Continue to pray for my man! Ben works so hard and refuses to give up even in his weakest times!!
Blessings to you all!!


  1. Hooray Katie! What a HUGE day!!! We are so excited for you both and really do enjoy reading every post and seeing the Lord's hand!!!

    We're celebrating with you!!

  2. That's so exciting!! I'm so glad Ben has taken such big steps lately! I'll keep on praying for you both!!

  3. I have been following your journey since day one, and it makes me SO happy to hear all the progress Ben has made. I can understand why you are over the moon!

  4. PRAISE THE LORD! That is awesome news! HUGE STEPS in his journey of healing! I love the picture and how in love y'all still look! :) What a blessing you are to Ben!

  5. i LOVE this news!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! so incredibly exciting and YES!!!! YES He is working miracles by the day!!! do it ben...i want to hear you tell me hello when i see you soon!

  6. Praise God Katie !!! What a huge day for you guys. Thank you for sharing God's greatness. Praying for both you and Ben everyday!!


  7. I'm so excited to see such huge steps! I can't even imagine what must be going through Ben's mind to taste all those "new" flavors after all these months! That should indeed awaken his voice!! Thanks for once again sharing your beautiful heart ~ hold onto that joy!!

  8. thats amazing !! Im so happy for the progress that he and you are making !! think about yall everyday !!

  9. praise the Lord and may the miracles keep a commin'!

  10. That is wonderful news. Katie you are amazingly strong. As a fellow army wife, I know the stress of worrying when they are deployed and cannot begin to imagine the fear you felt that many months ago. I continue to pray for Ben's progress and that you are able to live the life you two always dreamed of and deserve. God bless.

  11. This is so exciting Katie!! Yay God!!!

  12. Wow. I have been reading for a very long time, since the first days after your accident and I am so proud of your man. I know things will work out and I am so glad for you that it won't be long now until you can hear him say how much he loves you with his voice. You guys are amazing and strong and even on your weak moments, God shines through you and you should be proud of that. God BLESS you and rain down healing on Ben! Amen!

  13. wow. thanks for sharing. you are normal and human to have those feelings of weakness. I totally understand. and in those moments of feeling upset, I can imagine God crying right there with you.

    You're doing such a great job rallying around him and loving on him so well. What a blessing you are for him to speak God's word over him and rejoice in his victories! I'm just really blown away by your stedfast love for Ben. I'm praying for you girl-and for ben. You guys are such a goodlooking couple too! <3
