Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I will be back soon...

I will be back on here and updating soon!! My computer hit the dust and a new one is on it's way! After it gets here watch out because I will be back in the swing of things!! Ive been doing everything on my iPod touch which has been a blessing...can't wait for a real key board back! Thank you for all your continued prayers and support!


  1. I am looking forward to reading those long reports!
    Keep trusting the Lord, Katie. I know this move will be hard and getting Ben readjusted agIn will be no picnic. But the Lord is faithful. A Psalm that has blessed me this week is Psalm 19. May it also bless your heart.

    A sister in Christ.

  2. Hi Katie, I clicked on a link to your blog from another one that I follow and have since been reading your story (I really should get back to work soon). You are such a strong woman and I wanted to let you know you have one more person praying for Ben :)

  3. I just found your blog and have been reading from the start. This hits close to home for me as my dad was in an accident in 1999 (at the age of 36) and had to go through the rehab process. My dad has a spinal cord injury so it's different, but I remember my parents going off to rehab in Colorado. I just want you to know that I am praying for Ben's strength to pull through this and your strength to be there as his #1 support! I am glad that you have healed up for the most part! I am putting your prayer button on my blog and will look forward to reading updates as coon as your computer gets in.

  4. I too just found your blog and read it from start to finish...My dad was in a car accident when he was 22..he too was in the Army..He was currently at the University of New Mexico when the accident occurred...He was in a coma and had a brain injury that showed no activity on the rt side for some time -- b/c of my grandmother he came back and she taught him to read/write/talk/walk. He ended up graduating from University of Central Oklahoma with an accounting degree and met my mom a few years later..this was over 35 years ago...
    Keep your faith!! it will take time but he will return to you and it appears he has come very far in a very short time!! Your blog and journey is amazing!! Keep blogging!! Everything happens for a reason we may not know or understand that reason in the beginning but some day it will be revealed!! Look forward to more updates!!
