Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Jesus is AMAZING and FAITHFUL!!!

Let me start out with a little that went on for us last night! Our church here arranged a time of prayer for Ben and I last night and it was amazing! We started out with some worship music and had a few quite moments with the Lord. Specific prayer points were put up on power point for us and the things the docs needed to see out of him! It was a powerful, amazing and uplifting time! A few things that I wrote down....
*From a song...pour it out Lord, come Holy Spirit fall afresh on me, I am crying out Lord, pour it out Lord!
*Psalm 91 (this one keeps coming to us by so many which I love)..hold onto Jesus for dear life, God kept me!
*When Ben comes out of this fire (like Shad, Rad and Bad) he will not even smell like smoke!! The man who is with him in this fire will not allow him to be burned!
*When it comes to the healing of his lungs....JESUS IS HIS BREATH OF LIFE! He is more than enough!
*He will be a new and improved Ben, a warrior, a champion! Ben will stand up as a vast army...God will wake up his dryness and give him life!
When I awoke this morning I was refreshed, rejuvinated and ready to start this week with my Ben no matter what he did or didn't do!
I walked in this morning with my mom and said, "hi baby, i am back" and to that he opened his eyes and looked at me! As I walked around his room, to test him of course, he followed me with his eyes and even slightly turned his head! I then went on to tickle his feet and he looked right at them which he has never done when I have tickled them before! The nurse came in and said that he has been following and tracking with the staff a lot more these past few days! Thank you Jesus! I ran into his doctor in the wall when coming back to Ben's room later and he said, "did you hear?" I told him I had but he confirmed what I heard! When Dr. Kailin asked Ben to give him a thumbs up Ben gave it to him with his right hand! When he asked Ben to hold up 2 fingers he did it!! Dr. Kailin was very excited and you could see it on his face! I went back into Ben's room with a huge smile and a very grateful heart thanking our Healer!
I started shaving off his horrid looking mustache when Respiratory therapy came in to work with him. After she was done we were talking to his right side and while he was laying in bed he turned his eyes and head to follow our noise! He wanted in on our conversation!
So, today has been a good day full of miracles and surprises! Our God is a good God and our healer!

Prayer points -
~Ben would continue to respond, track things/people in the room consistantly, localize items
~Lungs - secretions to dry up so they can plug his trach (he cannot talk until it is plugged)
~Muscles to relax and not spasm (this is much better but it lingers)
~His body physically strengthen and he will be able to support himself
~He would continually respond to the meds as they increase doses!
~COMPLETE HEALING....I don't care how long it takes! Faster would be nice but I cac wait knowing he will be healed 100%

Oh....one more thing! He is pretty much holding his head up by himself! This has improved since the last time I was here!! Praise Jesus!
I am sure you all get on here daily to see if I have posted! I would love post more often but this one-hand typing doesn't allow me to go so fast! Once I get this cast off (2 wks!!) it will be good therapy for my fingers!!
Love you all and we appreciate all your prayers, encouragement and support!!


  1. Katie - this brought tears to my eyes - I am so happy for ya'll. You and Ben continue to be in our prays!!

  2. what a great big smile to my face and tears to my eyes did this blog bring-Praise God-Ben is there!! with you, trying to reach you!!! Amazing-thumbs up-WOW Katie-I am sooooooo happy for these signs-God and Ben are truly at work on his miracle of healing!!


  3. Our God is faithful and true to His Word!!! We celebrate with you and keep fervently praying! Oh boy.... I can only imagine the words that Ben is going to speak to you, his "babe", about the "God talks" he has had when he gets that trach plugged up!

  4. Maybe I should just put two cups in that package so you don't have to share??

    We are rejoicing with you, Katie, and will continue to pray with boldness and believing!

    Thanks for the effort you give to share on this blog! :)

  5. This is ALL sooo amazing! God is good and is hearing the prayer requests. May Ben's strength and improvement get better each day. Ya for no pink & off with the luigi mustache ;)-

  6. katie this is so great to hear!!! glad to know he is doing so well. thanks so much for sending updates, you are in our thoughts and prayers!

  7. I want you to know that there is a crew of us in Arizona praying for you and Ben each day. Friends of Christopher's (my brother) will always be friends of mine, even if we have never met. :-)

  8. Seriously crying tears of thankfulness right now - I am SO SO glad to hear these blessings and the progress Ben is making daily. You write so openly and honestly it's hard not to tear up :) With God's strength, I KNOW that many more blessings are ahead!

  9. You and I have a mutual friend, the Carlson family, and it's through Leanne that I found your blog. Thanks for sharing your journey. What an encouragement to see the Lord work in a mighty way in the lives of you and Ben! Praying that lungs dry and coughing is productive so the trach can get plugged and even downsized!
